Title: Time Passing
Pairing: House/Wilson implied.
Word Count: 600
Rating: PG
Summary: A few weeks after 5x24, angst.
Prompt: This is for
sick_wilson . I hope late is better than never.
Time Passing
He was with a patient the first time it happened. One of the cancer kids, an eight year old boy with leukemia. But no one noticed. Not the kid, nor the parents, not even the nurse standing beside him. He was examining the kid, and when it happened he grabbed hold of the chair next to the bed, and he somehow managed to sit down. He put his head down for a moment, but then it passed, and he went on with the examination. No one noticed.
Wilson was in his office the second time it happened. He was at his desk, trying to make some progress with the pile of paperwork that been building up ever since that day. The awful day that he tried not too think about, but the day he would never forget. Cuddy didn’t noticed the late reports, or at least she never said anything to him. But it was in the afternoon, and he was trying to focus, finally, but then it happened again. He sat there after it passed, but then he went home and went straight to bed. But he couldn’t sleep.
The third time was a few days later. He was with the team. They had asked him to come in to look at some MRI’s. They asked for his advice a lot lately. He was staring at images of someone’s brain when it happened again. But it was different this time. Worse. He stretched out his hands and leaned against the wall. Taub and Foreman didn’t notice, they were arguing about something. But Thirteen did. She stared at him, then she stood up and took two steps toward him.
“Wilson, are you okay?” she asked, with something like real concern in her voice.
He turned and looked at her,
“I’m fine” he said, but his shaky voice belied the truth.
“I’m fine” he repeated. But it finally passed, and his voice was stronger.
Thirteen sat down again, but she kept her eyes fixed on him. Taub and Foreman were also staring at him now. He took the MRI’s down from the lightbox, and slowly walked over to the table.
“You’ll need to do a biopsy” Wilson said, and he put the MRI’s down and turned towards the door.
“Wilson, are you sure you’re okay?” Foreman asked. “Your hands are shaking.”
He looked at his hands, they were visibly shaking.
“I’m fine” he said as he left, feeling all their eyes on him as he walked away..
He quickly went back to his office. He locked the door, and sat down on the sofa. He put his head down in his hands. “No, no, not now….. not now” he said out loud.
“Not now…”
Wilson lay down on the sofa. He closed his eyes. He wanted to sleep. He had to sleep. It was Friday. Tomorrow was Saturday. The Saturday. The day he had been waiting for all these weeks The first day that House was allowed to have visitors. He had been counting down the days. But now this.
He sat up. It was happening again. Wilson looked around the office. But it was spinning. He closed his eyes again, but it didn’t help. Everything was spinning, faster and faster and faster. He gripped the arm of the sofa.
“No…” he yelled. “No…”
But then the spinning stopped, and he sighed in relief. He lay back down on the sofa and closed his eyes. He knew needed to fall asleep, for sleep is the best cure for waking troubles. But sometimes it wasn’t.
“House….” Wilson called out loud.