Нотационная инженерия и экономгеография: закрываем табы

Jan 24, 2008 10:30

Закрываем табы браузера -- ибо так дальше жить нельзя, чукча на некоторое время должен стать писателем и не отвлекаться на чтение.

Список сервисов web 2.0 (Office 2.0 database) -- http://o20db.com/db/setup/ (и нужно уже, наконец, выбрать!).

Regional Economic Models, Inc. -- страница презентаций, разумеется: http://www.remi.com/events/presentations.shtml, в том числе презентация по Remi TranSight (оценка долгосрочного планирования транспорта) http://www.remi.com/downloads/presentations/TranSight.ppt и объяснялка про экономмоделирование http://www.remi.com/downloads/brussels/The_Use_of_the_REMI_Model_to_Document_the_Reasons_Why_Policy.ppt. Там еще небольшой FAQ (http://www.remi.com/support/faq2.shtml#1) Economic Geography measures the effects of labor and industry agglomeration. Large labor pools allow firms to hire more specialized workers, leading to lower production costs; similarly, larger supply pools allow firms to purchase more specialized intermediate inputs, thereby also lowering production costs. Access to these broader labor and commodity markets make clustered firms more competitive relative to firms in lower-density economies, which enables them to capture market share and increase employment and output. Economic Geography also allows for the estimation of commuting, transportation, and accessibility costs using the concept of "effective distance." Distance-decay models suggest that cost is an exponentially increasing function of distance; cost increases by an increasing rate as distance increases. Policy Insight uses these parameters to gauge the economic impacts of improvements in transportation costs, as entered by users with TranSight.

"Effective distance" is the mechanism through which the theory of economic geography enters the decision-making processes of economic agents in Policy Insight. It adjusts the geographic distance between two centers of economic activity, based on the efficiency of multi-modal transportation between them. Hence, improvements in the transportation infrastructure reduce effective distance between two locations and, consequently, increase their interaction, in terms of the flows of labor, intermediate inputs, and end-use commodities. In general, as effective distance increases, the costs that deter economic activity rise through an exponential process called "distance decay." The rate of change by economic sector of the distance decay curve (known as the distance decay parameter, Я) captures both the increased deterrence and the variable impact on flows by sector.

Новая экономическая география (обзор 1994г.) -- http://www.nfh.uit.no/dok/norut_notat_eirik_im_-_new_economic_geography_survey.pdf и далее http://www.google.com/search?q=New+Economic+Geography со всеми остановками

Лучший проектный софт Кончерто (concerto) -- http://www.realization.com/ (но без консалтинга не продается, и вообще замаскирован в глубине сайта -- http://www.realization.com/workshops.htm).

По нотационной инженерии (notational engineering) в Сети таки осталось некоторое количество текстов Jeff Long:

Notational Systems and cognitive evolution -- http://www.gwu.edu/~rpsol/ASC/Paper/long.doc (это текст.), презентация -- http://www.gwu.edu/~rpsol/ASC/Slides/JLong.ppt (октябрь 2005г., для American Society for Cybernetics). Дана программа развития нотационной инженерии.

Why We Don't Understand Complex Systems (май 2000) -- http://members.aol.com/notate/ICCS_Paper.htm (с заголовками Understanding vs. Competence, An Approach to Complexity, Metaphysical Assumptions of Current Methods for Representing Complex Systems, An Alternative Approach: Ultra-Structure Theory, The Need for Notational Engineering).

Call for papers к конференции по нотационной инженерии (май 1996г.): http://unauthorised.org/anthropology/sci.anthropology.paleo/october-1995/0141.html

Roberto K.Logan (был в оргкомитете конференции по нотационной инженерии, далее я просто нашел его страничку) -- http://www2.physics.utoronto.ca/~logan/, там интересны работы по проектной экологии (design ecology), типа http://www2.physics.utoronto.ca/~logan/DesignEcology4Web.doc и http://www2.physics.utoronto.ca/~logan/ManuStratFrameDesEco.doc. В этом нужно разбираться, это все рассуждения про инновации в проектировании, подразумевающую разделение дизайнера-инноватора и его клиента (клиент -- это производитель, manufacturer), "экосистему проектирования" для инновационного дизайна и т.д.

Связь нотаций и намеренческого программирования (http://codegeneration.net/tiki-read_article.php?articleId=61 от Charles Simony):In the intentional editor, notation - which takes the place of language syntax - is a matter of a projection that can be changed or updated at will without affecting the "what". Any given notation does not have to be unambiguous (just as CAD systems can use ambiguous projections to establish precise results), it does not have to be compatible - since compatibility is in the representation level already - and it certainly does not have to be forever since it can be changed at any time at any point.

Notations for programs will be like clothes for people - issues of taste, appropriateness, practicality and even cost may remain, but notation will not be anywhere near the top of our concerns anymore as they are today. Among other things, the annoyance of zero-sum arguments about personal preferences will go away.

It is interesting to note that while the number of domains for DSL's is unlimited, the number of practical notations that people use is quite limited: we learn notations - such as formulas, tables, terms-of-art, diagrams, circuits - in high school, before we specialize in specific subject matters. So most subjects use pretty much the same notations, and the projections implementing nice notations can become valuable sharable artifacts.

So now we can re-focus on the "what", the features, and the underlying tree representation has a small set of powerful guarantees that anything can be said anywhere and it can be said without disturbing what was already said. Such guarantees would not be possible without separating representation from the notations. This is an important point: the notational freedom is not justified by its ability to make the current languages look better (even though it can certainly do that) but it is needed so that any change in a schema can be guaranteed to be as painless as possible - at least as far as the database is concerned.
А теперь писать рисовать сочинять много-много разных .ppt (презентаций -- или это слово для процесса, а не файла? слайдоментов? иллюстраций к беседе? заметок для памяти участников совещания?).
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