i just can't with television these days.

Oct 16, 2012 17:59

Fall 2012 is obviously a sign of the times where creators/writers of television shows insist on hearing my whale-like noises.

Sybil? But why?

While the late Lady Sybil Branson nee Crawley was not one of my favourite characters on the show, she was still a dear, sweet girl. The acting was great this episode from everyone - from EMcG, MD, HB, even RJC whose scene I loved so so much! Definitely made me feel sorry for the uber-villain that is Thomas Barrow!
Sybil was the one character I thought they would not touch, but instead kill one of the generic characters like they did in the past. As the fandom mourns her death though, the rest of the season will collapse like a pile of cards. From this will stem two things:

1. The Robert/Cora fallout

2. Branson + the baby vs Robert OR revolution vs staunch tradition.

The more important of these (to me) is the Robert/Cora fallout. I'm not sure that they'll come back from this - nothing breaks up a marriage like the death of a child, especially when one of the parents was seemingly at fault.

A note on that, before I forget...I feel I need to defend Robert a little.

I saw a couple hate posts on Tumblr about Robert's actions that are not fair at all. When he made the comment about Dr. Clarkson getting his diagnoses wrong, I actually smiled. Those are the exact sentiments the fandom has echoed for MONTHS. It makes me think Julian Fellowes trolls the fan sites and chuckles in delight at our complaining. Now that he's had a character recognise certain faults the audience shares, it seems some of the fandom has gotten their pants twisted. Naturally, in true television fashion, the one time Dr. Clarkson is actually right, no one wants to believe him - like the boy who cried wolf too many times.

Violet said it best - you always have to find someone to blame, and in the previews, Cora isn't easy on him at all. For him, this might not be his year, or the beginning of the end. While Cora blames him, he also blames himself because out of his own (though quite right) stubbornness, he watched his baby die. With this, plus loosing all the money, and eventually having to see his son-in-law go up against him in the management of his estate, this will all take its toll, and at the end of the series - Robert may no longer be Robert. But at least he has one person in his corner - Mary.

The Mary/Robert relationship had to be one of the few things that flourished in season 2. In season 1 she believed he'd given up on her and refused to fight, and in season 2 she was terrified of what he might think of her because of the Pamuk scandal. In the end, he was still on her side. In the preview, Mary (thankfully), is still on his.

Meanwhile, in the midst of a grieving household, socially-inappropriate Matthew strikes again. While he understood it wasn't the right time, he still went ahead to talk shop with Murray. Seriously though? I know people tend to defend him, but that did not need defence - at all. And Mary, God bless her. Granted, her anger was directed towards Murray and not Matthew, it was still well-deserved. Kudos to Mary for that.

That moment when three minutes of awkwardness are passed while Matthew talks about his penis.

Yes. No more needs to be said about that, BUT there is more baby foreshadowing. Between the fancy OBGYN's words about overly anxious prospective parents, and Mary and Matthew's walk through the village leaves no doubt in my mind that JF is preparing us for Angst Fest '12.

Another reason I believe JF trolls the fansites, is Mary's comment about Matthew holding Tom's hand.

Yep. Watch out, you guys!

spoilers, death, tv: downton abbey, random musings

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