The Not So Perfect Storm

May 22, 2013 21:13

There's not much I could possibly complain about for the finale of Grey's Anatomy season 9.

For once, my hands weren't clutched to my chest and I wasn't sobbing uncontrollably. Many have said that Grey's has not had a decent season finale in years, not since season 6. To be fair, they've had a pretty rough time, they deserve a break. However, it wasn't one of the major characters in jeopardy this time, but still, this one still has a special place in my heart.

This finale - in true Grey's fashion - had a lot of ups and downs. But at the same time, some things came into full circle for our characters. For one, Derek and Meredith had a not so crappy day. They have a son. I'm not ignoring the fact that Meredith bled out on the table, it paved the way for Bailey to finally get back into the game. Chandra Wilson's performance is definitely commendable, especially when she finds out whose life she has to end up saving. There was a lot riding on that - she knew it, the characters knew it, and so did the audience.

Cristina and Owen's story came to a predictable end too. And to be honest, as much as I liked them together, this storyline got on my nerves. I'm not saying that it's not realistic because Owen wanting a child will always come up. Eventually, he would have to choose. And last Thursday night, as much as he proclaimed it was not so, it really was. There was that sense of belonging that Cristina felt when operating in the dark, and perhaps it was the same feeling Owen had when he played football with that little boy. I did not think it was far for either of them to have to go through this dark aspect of their relationship again. I thought that when they signed those papers and cried in each other's arms that it was done. Hopefully season 10 would be their time of healing. Owen can adopt if he wants too - he has no one to answer to expect himself. As for Cristina, she can operate without a care.

The highlight of the episode for me was April Kepner. Honestly, Sarah Drew's acting was very raw here and I loved it. After an entire season riddled with insecurities, the back and forth, break-ups, and proposals, she finally admits what she wants, and who she wants. It couldn't have come at a better time either. I think almost losing him was the slap in the face she needed. I knew it would have been her to admit such things first as well considering she was the one who pushed him away in the first place. But now she's getting married which certainly throws a wrench into things, Jackson said something similar when she admitted her feelings. In an earlier post, I did mention the fact that there is a serious lack of compatibility between April and Matt. Even when he asked her to marry him, I sensed things might go sour. For one, they haven't been dating properly for six months, two, they broke up recently over something I doubt they talked about, and three, they both realise that she has very strong feelings for someone else. After all, she nearly ran into an explosion to find a man that was not her fiance, and proceeded to attack said man about how careless he was in front of said fiance. We'll see how things turn out next season, and hopefully, April and Jackson finally sort their ish out.

The last thing I want to comment on is the hot mess that is the Calzona ship. Yes, the fans were told to expect it. Arizona does the unthinkable, but her reasons for such were absolute bullshit. Of course it all comes back to the leg. Why shouldn't it? And while Arizona spoke for the fandom when she called Callie out on making herself a victim, that was not the time nor was it certainly the place. I'm sure a lot of people felt the same throughout the season, I have myself, but I felt those words might have hit home had they come from someone else. Possibly Bailey. I did not believe that saying this to Callie was justification for what was just revealed. Arizona cheated on her wife. The same wife who severed a relationship with her mother (honestly, the most important relationship anyone could have) to marry her, and is on a touch and go basis with her father. The same wife who cut off her leg to save her (ungrateful) life. And you know what, I get it. I get that losing one's leg is like losing one's pride. It is BIG. But you know what? Welcome to the age of technology where prosthetics are available, and guess what, she's lucky enough to have a wife who is one of the best orthopaedic surgeons in the country. Who is to say that Callie did not lose a lot? Who is to say she is not a victim herself? The colossal shitstorm of unfortunate events that has happened to Callie Torres is unbelievable and she is still standing. She lost her best friend and the father of her child and she's still here. She lost George, Erica, got her nose broken, was alone for a long time, met a fun blonde who screwed her over (several times), and she's still standing. She also lost her job that one time too. One of the things that kills me about it is that when Arizona found out Callie slept with Mark (AFTER she'd left her in the middle of the airport and refused to write) is that she felt betrayed, and was so angry that Callie (who was very single at the time) did that to her.

I just can't.

thoughts, rant, finale, season 9, grey's anatomy

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