Title: Kilts & Killing Time (1/5)
Pairing: Oz/Xander
Rating: Adult
Summary: Past lives, warring clans in Scotland, forbidden kilt love, etc etc.
Warnings: Well, there might be char death of a sort. But not the kind you need to avoid the story for. Trust me here.
Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. Any of them.
Prologue here (
Kilts & Killing Time - part 1 )
Comments 5
2) Oh, man. Man. This is probably the best of the scottish stories I've read, and not because the others were bad. This is amazing. The prologue sets it up nicely, but seriously, it's the care you take in the setting and sounds that makes it shine. That's Devon, slightly brighter, and Oz, slightly chattier, but with accents that ring true even in the prose parts of the narrative. Very, very nice.
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Any more of this? *pokes around*
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