So as most people know by now it's extremely close to Christmas. Well, maybe not all. Just the Christians and Catholics. Though not really, because I'm an Atheist and still celebrate Christmas. Since, it's so close to Christmas I won't be able to post on here for a while. Maybe you didn't notice, but I didn't even do my meme yesterday. :O I was on LJ for like 10 minutes in total. So yeah, I'm not on the computer very often anymore. Like maybe an hour or two a day. Which is just enough time to get stalked by this random guy who wants all up on me. And of course he's single now, so I'm moving to Canada! XD So, don't get sad if I don't reply to stuff you post. I'll do that on like the 28th maybe. I might even post pictures on here of my Christmas because I take pictures and post them on my facebook anyway. Which is like the one day a year I actually use facebook, cause I seriously hate facebook. XD
And since this is pretty much my first personal post on here, I might as well write about something random about my day. I'm not sure anyone reading this knows, but I am a complete loser when it comes to anything to do wth space or Astronomy. Like The Universe on the History channel is one of my favorite songs. XD So whenever anything exciting happens like a meteor shower, a blood moon, or Jupiter be able to be seen in the night sky, I'm all over that! Tonight there was a lunar eclipse, and of course I was uber excited. And it really was incredibly beautiful. It was a awesome copper color. So, I tried to take a picture of it. But the stupid night setting on my camera makes you stand perfectly still for 10 seconds while it takes the picture. Which of course is impossible for me to do. Every time my picture came out like there was 4 moons in the sky. And I was out there for a good 15-20 minutes. >< Afterwards, I was literally angry that I couldn't get a good picture. I get upset over the stupidest things! XD
Yup. Pointless story is pointles.
Anyway, you should totally listen to my favorite non traditional Christmas song. Take that Wham! Except not really because I love Last Christmas too. XD
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