my summer was the shit. though it feels like i should've taken a lot more pictures. oh's a peek.
(on a side note, ive realized that ive become THAT person. you know the one that has 9289384093 pictures of her and the girlfriend/boyfriend kissing or being cute. C'est la vie. Im such a fag.)
guess what time it isssss? picture time!!
who you be? im coy.
and dying...
and in pain...
no remorse from her end.
she is so glad she's cute.
i also look really confused.
i think someone just whipped out their penis.
i no longer know whats going on.
judo CHOP!
fuck, we're cute.
do what i say, or the girl dies.
i have no idea what sort of food that once was before i got my hands on it.
again! again!
a preview to my drunken summer of debauchery.
ghetto romance.
we'll cut you! we'll cute you deep! we'll cut you so deep you no wish we cut you! My gramps rules.