35 Sailor Moon for inspired20in20. Warning for (slight) profanity.
Round 24 at inspired20in20 was a free-for-all birthday celebration in which you could use any of the prior 23 rounds themes to inspire your icons. I picked Nostalgia, partially because I've spent the last two weeks surrounded by children and partially because I've wanted to icon Sailor Moon for so long. I seriously loved this theme when I completed it the first time, and it was just as much fun this time around. idk what it is, but childhood + nostalgia = happiness. Though maybe the awesomeness of the Sailor Senshi transformations and such helped a bit as well, those moments are just damn iconable!
01-05 06-10 11-15 16-20
21-25 26-30 31-35
Comments are love; constructive criticism is welcome || Credit is nice but not necessary || Textless icons are not bases || Please do not repost || Enjoy. Like what you see? Feel free to watch the community.