NO...not his OBVIOUS expertise in basketball (that's reason #17,509).
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NO...not that he has at least enough of a knowledge of geography that he knows that Iraq & Pakistan do not share a physical border (that's reason #213)
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NO...not because he's aware of the countries that currently actually exist on this planet (that's reason #27).
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Reason #5,
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Comments 2
"He's old, and no one like him! EXCITING!"
Kudos to Obama for snubbing that tabloid.
As for McCain being old, that would be a tad worrisome to me, but he also looks like an UNHEALTHY kind of old. The kind of unhealthy that makes you wonder if he could really handle all the problems of the world on his shoulders! I mean, as it is, ANYONE who hold the office of President of these United States ages QUICKLY! It's a hard job (when done right)! I really would fear for our government (IN MANY MORE WAYS THAN ONE) if John McCain were to win! Makes his pick for V.P. hugely important! Put that together with the fact that I disagree with 99+% of what he stands for, and, as you can see, there's really no choice for me...OBAMA ALL THE WAY, BABY! :-)
As for that "tabloid" network, I can't even stand to INADVERTENTLY land on Faux News when I'm channel surfing!
I have not. one. good. word. to say about that channel.
I wish I could get it removed from my cable lineup, but it's one of the "standard" package choices...
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