Nickname: Temacchi
Age: 14
Describe your personality: I don't sleep much because I'm insomniac; so I tend to be hyperactive ESPECIALLY at night, less during the day. I can be a real bitch, especially if I don't like you, but generally I'm willing to please although I have a mind of my own. I often do things that don't make sense; and tend to do things that defy my personality completely. I'm random and happy-go-lucky, but catch me on a bad day and I might just bite your head off for the smallest things. I love organization, but usually I'm never organized. I also have extreme motivational problems unless it's something I really want to achieve. I'm completely loyal to my friends but don't hesitate to drop those friends that aren't loyal back.
Likes: fantasy, science fiction, anime, manga, rping, larping, icons, sharp pencils, vampires, books, libraries, computers, photoshop, video games, rpgs, yellow, black, red, silver, Siam, chocolate, Japan,
Dislikes: pink, baby blue, lace, bashers, flamers,
Hobbies: Drawing, writing, horseback riding
Strengths: Loyal, humble, outspoken, independent, thinks outside the box, loving, happy-go-lucky, easy to please, quick to laugh.
Weaknesses: Moodswings, bitchy, self-bashing, self-hating, quick temper, stubborn to the death
Follower or leader?: Follower until I deem them unworthy. Then I kick them off and continue on my own.
Independent of Dependent? Independent. I find depedentcy pathetic.
Would you prefer to work alone, or with a group?: Alone unless it was with a group of friends or people I know. I find the clash of interests in a group hard to deal with.
Pick a quote/song lyric that suits your personality & explain why.
"Let's get him with our machine gun!"
"No. No machine gun for him."
This definately suits my personality because I wouldn't shoot someone with a machine gun. Oh no. I would take out the flamethrower and leave nothing left.
What would you do if...
Someone yells at you without a reason?: Calmly respond something even more insulting, or yell back, probably including several cuss words.
Your best friend confides a secret in you that is self-threatening to them?: Discuss it with them upon occasion. Watch them like a hawk. Tell someone of it gets to be too much.
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why? A lifetime supply of manga and anime complete with a laptop. <33
Tell us your favorite character and why: Yukito I suppose. He's funny but he can be serious too. Not to mention I love his hair.
Post one clear picture of yourself