Blue Sky over there...

Aug 30, 2006 02:33

Nickname:dopeangel, dopey, Alex, Karo
Describe your personality:

Likes:silence, big landscapes, music, ancient tales, hugs
Dislikes:veggies, noise, hot weather
Hobbies:draw, write, walk, listen to music, dream
Strengths:confident, straight, obsessive
Weaknesses:oversensitive, melancholic, sometimes past-chained

Follower or leader?:depends of the situation
Independent of Dependent?independent
Would you prefer to work alone, or with a group?:both are fine, if the work is good

Pick a quote/song lyric that suits your personality & explain why."Don't try to be
an artist, just try to be a man", that's a quote from Eskil Simonsson, Covenant's vocalist.
Personally I don't like people that define themselves artists, most of the time without any
reason. I do draw, write, play musical instruments but a label myself "a man", not "an artist".
Only other can label you "artist" if you're worth it.

What would you do if...
Someone yells at you without a reason?:I try to ignore that person.
Your best friend confides a secret in you that is self-threatening to them?:Uh...I really don't know about this one, sorry XD
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why?Pen, paper, box of colors

Tell us your favorite character and why: Yukito! Without him I'd never stepped into Air world. He's just awesome!
Post one clear picture of yourself: I would like to a have a clear pic of myself...hate cameras, sorry ;_;
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