Name: Jenny
Nickname: Chi
Age: 17, turning 18 in a coupla months. >w<
Describe your personality: I~! Am a hyper, shoujo, uke girl. I'll talk a lot at times and I can be really passionate about things I love. I'm also called an Air-whore by a friend of mine at times. 8D;; Um....I'm also fairly bouncy and hyper majority of the time. XD
Likes: Good food, good art, good music, being with friends, DDR, drawing, going out in the rain, hot shirtless guys....8D
Dislikes: Bad food, Spicy Food, craptastic art, horrible music, being insulted, SPIDERS *terrified of spiders*
Hobbies: Drawing, listening to music, chatting on AIM, reading, playing video games, reading, being in band, watching tv, playing the flute from time to time
Strengths:Stability, reliability, friendly, caring, and the ability to be random at times
Weaknesses:Video games in general, Music, Really really cool pictures, hot guys that're shirtless, anime, interesting books, the chance to hangout with my friends IRL, and interesting mangas
Follower or leader?: Follower. I'm way too shy to be a leader.
Independent of Dependent? Umm...independant. XD;
Would you prefer to work alone, or with a group?: With a group. XD;;; The only reason why I'll sometimes work alone is because I'm too shy to ask someone to be in a group with me.
Pick a quote/song lyric that suits your personality & explain why.
What would you do if:
Someone yells at you without a reason?: I'd...........probably end up crying. oo;;; Especially if what they yelled at me really really hurt me. I'm not always the most stable person emotionally.
Your best friend confides a secret in you that is self-threatening to them?: I'd get help for them. I'd tell somebody we could both trust and try to get them to talk to them about it to solve the issue. n_n
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why? Hmm.......a stereo, my sketchbook, and art supplies. Because if I were stranded for a long time, I'd want to be able to listen to music and be able to draw to keep myself occupied. XD
And lastly:
Post one clear picture of yourself (optional!)
Me, sitting outside of Busch Gardens after a fun day. XD Went to Virginia on a band trip.