Name: Laura/Lierong
Nickname: Akito, Larlar, Colonel Laura
Age: 16
Describe your personality:
Well, for starters, I hardly ever show my "true" self. I joke around with people and mess with them while thinking "Arg! You are annoying!". And I do enjoy teasing people, some more than others (one could say I play favorites ;D). I'm randomly perverse too. But in a secretive way. Innuendos are fun. I'm also pretty sarcastic. Dry humor, deadpan humor, and sarcasm are my mediums, and I am the artist. I make masterpeices ;D I also do have an ego, because I'm awesome and I know it. But this gives me confidence, so I don't see it as a bad thing. I also don't really seem to care about when others have problems, but it's just I'd rather have them try to solve it on their own and if it gets dire I suppose I'll help.
I'm also pretty intellegent and logical, and with intellegence and logic comes quirkyness. I have my share of odd habits. I also tend to think too much when it comes to assignments, thinking of if it is really worth the time and effort to compleate said assignment. This usually leaves most of my homework undone. But you don't have to worry, I still pass ;D
(Copy/pasted from another rating community. Go me)
Likes: Cheese. For serious. Best thing in the world. But I also like my freedom (to do what I want, ect), and messing with people. Joking around, confusing them with logic, the whole sh'bang. I've also always enjoyed reading, mind puzzles, whatever to keep my mind entertained. If there's nothing around, I'll stack stuff. Whatever. I also like thinking. Sometimes it's trying to solve a problem, sometimes it's of some random, somewhat obscure/quasi- to semi-sadistic thought, and the like.
Dislikes: Weeeell...Really annoying people start to get, well, really annoying! Idiots fall under this. Sure, they're fun to hang around and tease, especially if I'm on a friendly level with them, but you gotta take them in small intervals. And uber-protagonists start to annoy me after a while too. But idiots really annoy me the most..
Hobbies: Graphics, thinking, puzzles, messing with people, acting
Strengths: Intellegent, logical, sense of humor, independant. I can also take what I dish out. Call me names, make fun of me, whatever. I can handle it and shoot it right back at 'ya (I actually do this with a teacher quite often and often come up as the 'winner'). I also rarely get angry. I tend to brush most things that would anger someone off. I probably get really mad every 6-9 months, which is pretty good, I think.
Weaknesses: Well, I certainly have an...interesting sense of humor. Mostly involving sarcasm and deadpan/dry humor. Most people don't get it, or take it the wrong way. I also can be a bit self-centered, though not to the extent that I've seen the youth of today go to (I feel so old saying that). I also tend to give off this "I don't really care" attitude, since I tend to look for the logic in every statement rather than the emotions. But sometimes, I really just don't care :D I also sometimes let my mind get the better of me, thinking of more efficient rather than humane ways of doing things. But I don't tend to bring that up as much, for as I mature, I realize that it'll really piss some people off. I already get rather...unique nicknames at school for it, most of them being the same name as some of our favorite (or not so favorite) fascists.
Follower or leader?: Leader, for the most part. There are few I will willing follow, I think, mostly because most people are incompetent.
Independent of Dependent? Independent. I'm perfectly fine on my own :3
Would you prefer to work alone, or with a group?: Well, they both have their perks. Alone means that I don't have to depend on anyone else to do part of the work, so it always gets done. However, working in a group can mean I get to slack off more. But people aren't all that reliable, save for a few. So most of the time, alone, I think. It really depends upon who you are.
Pick a quote/song lyric that suits your personality & explain why. "Everybody brings joy into a room. Some by entering, but most by leaving". Snarky, amusing, yet oh so hurtful. It's just something I'd say, I suppose. Sorry I don't have a real, inspirational quote.
What would you do if...
Someone yells at you without a reason?: To tell the truth...Probably complain for a bit, just to play the guilt card. I'd milk that as best I could. Especially if it was a friend yelling at me. I suppose if it was a stranger, I wouldn't really care, since I wouldn't be benefitted by milking it, in all likelyhood.
Your best friend confides a secret in you that is self-threatening to them?: Try to help them through, I suppose? I don't give the best advice, and I find it hard to relate to people, so there probably isn't much I could do. If they were thinking suicidal thoughts, though, I'd tell them to get over it. It's not worth it.
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why? A boat. Durrr. And enough gas to get me back home.
Tell us your favorite character and why: Don't really have one...
Post one clear picture of yourself No thx Dx All my current ones are bad.