:3 Rather new to the AIR fandom, but I shall begin my fangirling in my own journal. XD! Full credit to Neko!Garnet and Shinn for introducing me to AIR.
Name: Leah
Nickname: Kira and/or Mayu. XD
Age: 14
Describe your personality: :D Quiet, kind, helpful, caring (Especially about my best friend and boyfriend =x) and intelligent. People all around me (That don't hate me. T_T;;) say that I love to help people. XD
Likes: writing, drawing, singing, dancing, being quiet, talking to friends, X-Country, helping people, sleeping... iconage, I think. XD Oh and writing challenges! :D
Dislikes: War, racism/discrimination, smoking, homophobes, immature boys, loud places, terrorism, bad handwriting, not writing, being tired, being bored
Hobbies: writing, sleeping, singing, drawing. :D -points to likes-
Strengths: :D I'm really caring and nice to people. If they're angsty, I want them to vent to me so I can help. I'm pretty quiet too, so I don't say the wrong things. I hate that. BUT. X3 I can be really clingy sometimes. I'd be insane without my best friends. ♥
Weaknesses: I'm prone to angst a lot. T_T But I'm getting help for it.
Follower or leader?: Leader. :x People around me who try to lead screw up a lot. THEN they come to me for help. DX
Independent of Dependent?: Mmm.. in the middle. o_o If I need help with work or health, then I'm dependent.
Would you prefer to work alone, or with a group?: Alone. @__@ There would be too many fights if I was put into a group with people I don't like.
Pick a quote/song lyric that suits your personality & explain why.
Hm. I do recall a character/Lacus Clyne from GSEED saying: "You belong to the world and the world belongs to you.
Buuuuuuuut. @__@ How does it relate to me? Well, whenever I angst all the time, I just sometimes think about that and try to be happy. =/ I want to be happy for people. I never really thought highly of the world-- what's in it-- what's going on-- and ect. .____. But the wars and racism is getting to me. I want peace in the world. That's why I thought that this quote appealed to me. Like it referred, we belong to the world.
Personality wise-- I really care about what happens to others. =__= I don't want people to be depressed like I am-- and I just find it really sad. It makes me feel worthless-- but I really *can* help people if I tried hard enough...
What would you do if:
Someone yells at you without a reason?: o_o...Would be a bit irritatedx100 and don't say anything back. .__.;; If the person's done, I just walk away. And-- if its really insulting, I cry. ^^;; I'm a crybaby. -dies-
Your best friend confides a secret in you that is self-threatening to them?: ....Uh. I wouldn't know how to answer this. T_T If its really bad, then I'd try talking to her and help.
If you were stranded on an island, what three things would you bring and why? Food, water, and my best friend. X_X I'd be insane without D'Esta.
And lastly:
Post one clear picture of yourself (optional!)
XD This is-- the most recent picture of me. :D Taken during the summer. ♥