If you were to describe this year with a keyword, what would that be?
Predictably, it must be “Kaibutsu-kun”.
The filming was on January and February, I also appeared as Kaibutsu-kun at “24 hr TV”, and then we filmed the Kaibutsu-kun special drama at the end of summer. After that, we had campaigns for the movie, so I felt I was constantly doing Kaibutsu-kun for the whole year.
You went to India for Kaibutsu-kun filming right?
It was very intense! But I came to like India. If I had a month holiday, I want to try and live there. The full moon I saw there was beautiful! It was huge. Or it was just me thinking it was huge? No, it must be huge. I had never seen the moon that way before. In Japan, the moon looks like it's just there up in the sky, but [in India] it felt like it was floating nearby. The color also had an orange shade, I’ve never seen it before and it was beautiful.
You traveled to various places in Japan also for Kaibutsu-kun campaign.
I went to Nagoya, Osaka and other places with Ryuu-san (Ueshima Ryuuhei). I also went with Fujiko Fujio A sensei to his hometown in Toyama.
(T/N: Ueshima Ryuuhei is the werewolf-man in Kaibutsukun, Fujiko Fujio A is the author of Kaibutsu-kun manga)
In Himitsuno Arashi chan, Sakurai-san and Aiba-san went on a trip just the two of them, if you were to go on a trip with a member, where would you want to go?
I want to go with Matsujun to Okinawa! For no reason. Just spontaneous. I just want to go (smiles and grins).
I love Okinawa. I like summer, I hate winter. Hmm..what I’ll do if I go there….Matsujun said not long ago he tried fishing and it was fun, so I think he’ll enjoy it if we catch some big fishes. Aiba-chan also said he went fishing in summer, probably I would involve him too (laugh), as “Arashi Fishing Club”.
Next year, “Kotatsu DE Arashi” will be aired on January the 3rd. What crossed your mind when you look 10 years back, seeing those clips from Arashi TV shows aired on Fuji TV?
There were lots of them that I had completely forgotten, so I thought, I’m the type of person who doesn’t look back. There were some I could recall after seeing the clips, but there were also the ones I couldn’t remember at all. But the ones that are memorable were especially from “Mago Mago Arashi” (2005-2007). We went to see grandpas and grandmas and we helped them. Although we had just met and interacted only for one day, by being together closely, I came to feel that they were not strangers anymore. I will never forget that.
After that, you are also having concerts in Osaka and Nagoya.
I think we will have a plus alpha added to what we had in Dome Concerts before. I should recollect the choreography. I forgot (laugh).
After the Great East Earthquake, again, you must have felt a lot of things about the power of music?
In Arashi radio shows addressing the Tohoku regions, we received postcards from the listeners, and I believe music has an amazing influence. For instance we received, “I listened to that song and it lifted my spirit”, or “in the disaster, many of my things were swept away, but I was happy when I found an Arashi CD”.
Rather than thinking we are useful, I thought, I’m glad we continued doing what we do.
What are your wishes for 2012?
Wishes….I don’t have any specific wishes for myself. Perhaps I want to rest. Fufufu.
By nature, I’m not a workaholic type (laugh)
How would you like to spend your time?
I want to draw, even if I have to restrain my hobby, fishing. If I could, it would be good if I could draw for about a whole week. But now, I want to film the drama safely. Everyday is cold in drama location, but I’m doing it very seriously!
To members:
"Thank you" or "Sorry"
To Sho-chan, when I hijacked the TV broadcast for one day [to promote] “Kaibutsu-kun” and I appeared on “News Zero”, he watched when it was aired, so thank you. Unfortunately, it was not his day in the studio.
To Nino. Thank you for the fishing game you gave me as my birthday present. I tried it and it was quite interesting!
To Aiba-chan. Thank you for the souvenirs you always gave us whenever you go to locations abroad. Not long ago, he gave me a T-shirt he bought in Taiwan. I use it as pajama (laugh).
To Matsujun. Thank you for performing in the stage play. I went to see it, and he looked great. He trained his body very much, his upper body was like an inverted triangle!
I dedicate this one to Juntoshi shippers, obviously xD
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airainbow instead of my personal lj.
I hope you enjoyed it, thank you for reading :)