Otonoha vol 107

Oct 16, 2012 11:59

Autumn in

Otonoha Vol 107


It’s me.

Well~. First of all.

At Johnny’s web, on Arashi page

“Next week, Popcorn will pop”

I wrote it, and about that…

They won’t pop.


I don’t know why but I thought the release was on the 17th, but it seems it will be released on 31st…

Let me revise that, and apologize.

I’m really really sorry.

(T/N: Here Sho says saasen instead of the standard Sumimasen to say sorry)

(↑No signs of remorse. Please don’t imitate this. Absolutely don’t.)

Well then.

We recorded the album while doing Arafes rehearsals.

How should I say this.

“At any rate, [we want to make] a cheerful album”

“At any rate, [we want to make] an enjoyable album”

We thought about this for quite a while.

That idea has turned into shape, and the album turned out great, so please look forward to it!


By the time of last month’s Otonoha, actually we had already finished recording all the songs a while before…

I didn’t mean to hide it.

at Arafes,

I just wanted to announce it in front of everyone, Baby.

Please understand that I restrained myself from doing that. 
(T/N: from announcing on last month's otonoha)

I apologize for my klutziness.


(↑I’m being incoherent)

(That kind of) me.

is in NYC now.





I’m staying in New York for a night now.

Well well.

I've done a very meaningful coverage.

It was very fulfilling.

Now I’m continuously listening to Mariah Carey.

Please find out the reason why when you see it on air.

It’s a rare occasion.

So let me show you a picture I took in between the coverage.

When I was going to press the shutter, the wind blew.

It was ground zero where the National Flag waved.

In a sense, this place is where my interest to news program started.
(T/N: the underlined refers to a link to the pic of ground zero at Jweb)


I’m wearing a suit, and feel happy that I could stand in front of the camera.

I’m in my 7th year!!

In order not to wake up from “My dream at the time”.

tomorrow, again…

Let’s do it, shall we?

October 14, 2012

Sakurai Sho@NYC


jweb, sho, otonoha

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