You're an Amorous Adventurer
What Kind of Girlfriend Are You? Brought to you by
Tickle What shold your name be? (girls only) (with anime pics)
your name should be eigther ~Angela~ or ~Angel~ wich mean angelic. This means that you are a kind and caring person
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Grab Code What Kind of Boy Would Love You (Girls Only)
You like the mysterious type.He is very quiet and at times you might not be able to tell if he loves you or not but his love for you is unquestionable.His mythical creature is:Vampire.Animal:Black fox How You Met:You walking home in an alley when you saw two figures.You stop walking and turn to walk away but one of the figures appeares in front of you.He knocks you out and takes you to his place.When you awaken you find him sitting at your bedside.It truely was love at first sight altough you didn't trust each other in the least bit.You 2 were made for each other.
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