Day 03 → Your favourite television program
This is a tough one.
I'd have to go for three shows, tied in first place (can't narrow it down any further!) NCIS, Criminal Minds, and Warehouse 13.
The first of these is just a bit of everything, and it's brilliant. There is a team, and they are a family, for the good things and the bad. The cases are inventive - sometimes you see things coming, sometimes you don't and it's refreshing. Cast = *_* , each and every one of them. And although there are visible pairings, they're just that side of visible that leaves for some space to imagine other relationships (though Tiva, people. TIVA. I LOVE!) . The 'we are family' aspect isn't constantly thrown in your face, and episodes intergrate a bit of everything. YAY!
Criminal Minds - what I love about this show is that contrary to most Crime Dramas, the cases come first. Which leaves your imagination free with the characters more. You get a glimpse into personal lives, and you get a team/family vibe, but it's subtler - though by no means weaker. There are no immediate pairings which catch the eye either, and that leaves room for the imagination to explore the possibilities (though I'm a Hotch/Prentiss shipper for ever and ever and ever amen)
Warehouse 13 - newest discovery. And I feel I really have discovered the eighth wonder of the world (or whichever one we're on, I should know this). Sci-fi and police work and detective work and fangirls and geeks and team/family YES YES YES. I think what I love most about the show are the relationships - Pete and Myka's being the most prominent for me. I don't know, perhaps because they're so brilliant. I can't quite put my finger on it, but their chemistry is so unique. I guess you can see them as a pairing (I do :D) but you can also see them having a brother/sister relationship - there's room for you to wonder what could happen, instead of being continuously...hinted to about what they are or what they aren't. And Claudia <3 and Artie <3 and Jonathan <3 and Leena <3 and fangirl fangirl fangirl.
If I'd answered this question this time last year, the answer would have been Bones. Bones, Bones, Bones. Even though (and I don't think I've admitted this to anyone) I think, even then, NCIS was taking over as 'favourite show'.
I can't remember when it was that I first started losing a little interest in Bones. Not the month, anyway. But it was basically after the news about DB's scandal. And yes, maybe I'm an idiot for losing interest in the show because one of its stars is a tool, and perhaps, had I not had a situation in my family that ironically was identical, I wouldn't have personalised the events, but I did, and it's done, and in my opinion, men like that don't change.
After the 100th episode, scandal or not, I began to just...lose interest. I don't know, perhaps it was the fact that what happened in the 100th was just pushed to one side, swept under the rug. The finale was disappointing. And at the time I thought 'trust Hart Hanson, he knows what he's doing' but I'm glad I went back on that statement, because from what I've seen from season six (and that is very little) things have spiralled to a point where people are giving up on waiting for B&B to happen. Me being one of them. I'm not saying the series has decreased in quality, because I don't think it has - brilliant casting (Emily Deschanel, people. You can't not love that woman), but I've moved past it. The Hannah storyline is annoying, but people bashing the actress because they hate her role? Grow up, people. The Brennan centric episode was brilliant Deschanel-wise - her acting was so emotive it made me cry - but Booth's reaction? What? (Don't know who's idea that was, but just no.)
Day 04 → Your favourite book
(Why are all these questions so difficult?) I guess, at the moment, it's 'The Thirteenth Tale' by Diane Setterfield. Though when I'm really down in the dumps a chapter of Carrie Fisher's 'Wishful Drinking' is a lifesaver.
Day 05 → Your favourite quote
'Everyone has walked a harder road today.'
Day 06 → Whatever tickles your fancy
How many times do I have to say that I have the HUGEST girl crush on this woman? And she's the loveliest person ever!
Day 07 → A photo that makes you happy and Day 08 - A photo that makes you sad
Both, because I love her and I miss her.