Title: Beginning
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Tidus
Prompt: 001 Beginnings
Word Count: 258
Rating: G
Summary: From the beginning, they had a connection
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html It was that first night, the first night that she was a summoner, when she met him. Met him properly, that was, not seen him out of the corner of her eye as she passed out into Kimahri’s arms.
She’d heard the rumours, of course, from the more sympathetic people who felt sorry for the young man who’d gotten too close to Sin. And she’d heard the rumours that he was making it all up, that he’d never seen Sin in his life and had some evil purpose.
Yuna looked over, saw this stranger motivate the Aurochs with one short speech, and thought how strange he was. He didn’t seem bad strange, just different. She was sure that the sparkling blue eyes didn’t hide evil, but he didn’t act or speak like a person affected by the toxin… maybe he really was from Zanarkand.
That night, she dreamt of him, and of her cousin Rikku. Tidus was going to take her to Zanarkand, but Rikku wanted him to take her instead, and then Sir Jecht came. Yuna didn’t know why she dreamt that Sir Jecht was Tidus’ father, or that Tidus hated him, but she did, and woke up suddenly in the night, hearing Tidus yell in his sleep “I hate you!”
Yuna was sure that they had shared a dream, and although that scared her a little, she found Tidus fascinating. She smiled to herself as she saw him, his blond hair tousled from sleep, and thought to herself that what was meant to be, would be.