Title: Sunset
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna
Prompt: 032 Sunset
Word Count: 534
Rating: G
Summary: Yuna watches the sunset the night before she becomes a summoner
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html Ten years. Ten long years since my father died, killed by the Final Aeon that he summoned to destroy Sin. I’ve had a happy childhood, living here on Besaid with Lulu and Wakka as my siblings. It seems like so long ago that Kimahri brought me here, but I still feel that I want more time.
I lie back in the sand, staring up at the sky. The beach is silent; everyone is back in the village now. The sun is sinking, and soon I will have to return to the village before it gets completely dark, but for now I lie and watch the birds whirl overhead, the clouds move gently in the breeze and the sun disappear beyond the horizon.
This is the last night of life as it has always been. This is the last night I am just a girl, the last night I am normal. At dawn I will go to the temple and pray to the fayth, and by sunset tomorrow I will be a summoner, forever bound to defeat Sin.
One day I will be high summoner. I’ve always known it. But that time is in the future, and I’m here now. I don’t know how long it will be before it happens… before I summon the Final Aeon… but as a summoner the drive to do that will always hang over me. That’s what summoners are meant to do - to give their lives to bring the Calm to Spira.
Someday in the future I will die, leaving Spira behind, but now I want to enjoy this sunset. It’s precious to me, this last sinking of the sun before I begin the journey to my death, and I want to enjoy it. No thoughts of the future, of anywhere I will visit or anyone I will meet. Just lying here, watching the sky glow red and the eagles rise into the sky, and the moon rising on the opposite side of the sky now that its rival, the sun, is leaving.
I won’t be ordinary Yuna for much longer. Soon I will be Lady Yuna, summoner and the hope of Spira. Is it wrong of me to want more time to be ordinary Yuna? Most of my life I’ve been ordinary little girl Yuna, and now that I’m ordinary adult Yuna I don’t want to give that up yet. I don’t mind dying to destroy Sin, but I wish I could be ordinary for a while longer.
But Summoner Yuna is tomorrow. The waves are crashing onto the beach, and the sun has almost disappeared behind the horizon; my time here in Besaid can be counted in days now, even hours. But the peace of being here, feeling the sand between my fingers and the foam of the waves tickling my toes, is something that will always stay with me.
In my darkest hours, when everything seems pointless and I want to give up, I’ll always be able to look back at this sunset and remember that there is always hope. The sun may leave for a while, but the moon watches over Spira and the sun will always return to light our paths in the morning.