Title: Stop the world, I want to get off
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Tidus, Wakka
Prompt: 021 Friends
Word Count: 590
Rating: G
Summary: "You two had better be just friends, ya?"
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html “I love you,” I say, knowing it won’t stop him leaving. But I say it anyway, because I need to. He knows it anyway, but I still need to say it. So I do.
He comes up behind me, wraps his arms around me. The arms that are fading in and out of existence, just like he is. For a moment it feels just like normal; we’re together, sitting down at the end of the day, watching the sunset, and just talking about nothing at all. Only we’re about to be ripped apart, and we’re on the deck of the airship and flames are surrounding us and we aren’t talking.
I’m suddenly reminded of a conversation we once had. We were in the Calm Lands, and I was staring out across the endless green landscape. He came to stand beside me, and we held hands while we watched the sun set.
“Do you ever think ‘stop the world, I want to get off,’ Yuna?” he asked me. I looked up at him, not understanding.
“What do you mean?” I asked.
“Well, in Zanarkand, people used to say that the world went round and round in circles around the sun. So when life was going too fast, and you wanted more time to stop and pull yourself together, we’d say that,” he said.
“That would be nice,” I said. “Being able to make time stop, so we could have more time here. Imagine, we could travel around Spira again. We could go anywhere if time had stopped. We could go to your Zanarkand, then where would we go, if we could make the world stop?” I asked him. Tidus scratched his head.
“Well, I guess we’d go back to Besaid, and Macalania Woods,” he suggested. The place where we met, and the place we first kissed. I nodded, smiling.
“I’d love to go there. Maybe the world will stop,” I said hopefully, knowing it wouldn’t happen, but still enjoying the fantasy. He smiled at me.
“Maybe it will,” he said. Then he wrapped his arms around me, resting his head on mine. I sighed and embraced him, wishing that we could have all the time in the world to ourselves.
“Hey Tidus!” Wakka called suddenly, and we broke apart. Wakka dragged him away, and I winced, knowing Tidus was about to get lectured about how he was supposed to be protecting me not distracting me.
“What?” Tidus asked.
“You two had better just be friends, ya?” Wakka threatened, spinning his blitzball. Tidus looked over Wakka’s shoulder at me. I blew him a kiss and giggled as he tried to reassure Wakka that we were only friends.
I come back to the present with an uncomfortable jolt, and I’m reminded that our time is up. We’d always known this time would come, but it hurts even more because for a while I’d thought we could be together. Then we defeated Sin and I found out he has to leave me anyway.
He walks forward, and I strain all my senses to feel him as he walks right through me. But I can’t feel him, and he only looks solid again when he is out of reach. He runs, and jumps from the airship, into the flames that separate us forever. I don’t know what to say. I don’t have anything to say. There’s just a big hole in my heart where Tidus took it with him off the edge of the airship. My friends are all standing behind me, but for the first time since Kimahri brought me to Besaid, I am alone.