Title: Ideal Parent
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Braska
Prompt: 027 Parents
Word Count: 368
Rating: G
Summary: Braska wishes he could have been a better parent to Yuna
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html It’s a cold night. The snow is spiralling down, and a snowflake lands gently on Yuna’s face. I softly brush the crystallised ice from my daughter’s nose, marvelling at the childish innocence displayed on her face as she sleeps, curled up against my side for warmth.
She won’t have a daddy for long. When we reach Bevelle, I’ll have to leave her behind. I’ve told her that she can’t come with me, where I’m going. She doesn’t understand that this is the last night she’ll sleep curled up against me, the last night that she can reach out with a small hand to grab my hair and hold onto it as she sleeps. A typical child, she thinks that I’ll come back after I’ve killed Sin. I can’t bear to tell her otherwise.
Every time she comes running up to me and I sweep her up into my arms, resting my head on her soft brown hair that I did my best to tie into neat bunches, I abandon all ideas of going on a pilgrimage. I haven’t been an ideal father, sometimes having to leave her in the hands of my friends and going off to fight fiends while she curls up in front of a fire and waits faithfully for me to return. Looking at the bits of chestnut hair sticking out of the clumsy plaits I plaited and tied up with two bits of ribbon, I know I certainly haven’t been a good substitute for a mother. But when I look into her eyes, I can see that she doesn’t care that I’m not a wonderful parent, that she loves her daddy no matter how bad he is at tying her hair back from her face and sewing up holes in her clothes.
I wish I could have been a better parent to her, and that I could have stayed with her longer before leaving. But I only have a few short hours left with my precious daughter, and so all I can do is hold her small body close to my chest and make sure that the blanket is covering her, and watch her sleeping face as I wait for the sun to rise.