Title: You will fall
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Seymour
Prompt: 022 Enemies
Word Count: 330
Rating: G
Summary: Keep your friends close and your enemies closer
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html You will fall, dear Yuna. Already it has begun… as you glare into my eyes I can see a faint flicker of acceptance of your feelings for me… and once you truly recongise those feelings you will fall.
I hate you, Maester Seymour. You seek to use me as a tool to increase your control of Spira. I won’t be used!
Keep your friends close, and your enemies closer. You could be a formidable foe, my Yuna, and I pull you against me as my men surround your guardians. I could fight you, of course, and defeat you, but I must admit you are captivating. As I am captivated with you, you cannot draw your eyes from mine.
Why is there no warmth in your eyes? Are you so completely driven by power that you cannot even summon up a false glance of affection for me? You are attracted to me, otherwise you wouldn’t have asked me to marry you. I’m sure you have an ulterior motive, but surely even you would not marry someone you loathe? Have you really sunk that far?
You killed me once, my dear. You and your motley group of noble, heroic friends defeated me. But I was holding back. I don’t quite understand why, but I didn’t want to kill you. I would have been perfectly happy to wipe all those half-minded idiots into oblivion, but I could not hurt you. I wonder why?
I am a murderer. I killed you and your Guado goons once already. I should feel like a traitor, Maester Seymour, but I hate you so much I cannot make myself feel in any way guilty. I was told once, ‘keep your friends close, but your enemies closer’. That may be an old and wise saying, but that doesn’t mean I don’t want to bite your tongue off as you kiss me. You repulse me, and I wish you were far, far away. Maybe the Farplane would be far enough?