Title: Tickle Monster
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Braska
Prompt: 082 If
Word Count: 254
Rating: G
Summary: Father and daughter play the what if game
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html “Daddy, let’s play the what if game,” Yuna demanded, tugging on her father’s sleeve. Braska turned his attention from the deathly boring book to his daughter.
“What’s the what if game?” he asked.
“You don’t know the what if game?” Yuna looked scandalised. Braska wondered how she’d managed to master the expression so perfectly by the age of six.
“Tell me the rules,” he said. Anything was better than the book, even the most annoying of childish games.
“I say ‘what if something happens’ and you have to tell me the what if,” Yuna explained patiently.
“Alright. Go ahead,” Braska encouraged. Yuna fell silent; Braska smiled as she screwed up her face in concentration.
“Ok… what if I don’t have to go to school tomorrow because my teacher’s cold isn’t better?” Yuna asked.
“We’ll take a trip to the market. You need a new pair of shoes,” Braska informed her. Yuna frowned.
“But what if I do have to go to school?” she asked.
“Then we’ll go at the weekend,” Braska reassured her. Yuna smiled, already looking forward to the shopping trip.
“It’s your turn,” she announced contentedly a moment later, having been rewarded with the answer she wanted.
“My turn? To do what?” Braska asked.
“Say what if, silly,” Yuna said patiently.
“Hmm… what if… what if I suddenly turn into the tickle monster and catch you?” Braska asked, wiggling his fingers. Yuna giggled and ran a few metres away.
“You’ll have to catch me first!” she announced. And the game was on.