Title: Tasty
Fandom: Final Fantasy X
Characters: Yuna, Lulu
Prompt: 039 Taste
Word Count: 133
Rating: G
Summary: Yuna learns to cook without much success.
Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/11132.html “Lulu, will you teach me how to cook?” Yuna asked. The black mage nodded coolly.
“Later. When it’s actually time for a meal,” Lulu said and returned to her book. Yuna nodded and made her way to the temple. She had promised one of the old priests that she’d pray to Yevon for two hours today.
Yuna thought she’d followed all Lulu’s directions precisely. So when the soup (Lulu had started her off on something simple) was cooked and she tasted it, she couldn’t understand why it tasted quite that disgusting.
“Yuna, bring me the jar of salt that you used,” Lulu said after tasting the soup. When Yuna had given her the jar of white powder, Lulu tasted a bit of it.
“This isn’t salt, Yuna,” she said. “It’s baking soda.”