Title: Little Sunshine
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Characters: Penelo, Reks
Prompt: 052 Ripples
Word Count: 242
Rating: G
Summary: Penelo is unusually grumpy.
The_sandsea table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/57837.html Penelo sat by the fountain, picking up the pebbles lining the bottom of the stone water feature and dropping them in one by one, listening to the small splash they made and the sound of the water droplets falling back into the fountain as a miniature shower.
She dropped three stones in, in a triangular formation so that the three circles of ripples intercepted one another and produced a new pattern of waves. Then a pebble dropped from above her head and landed right in the middle of the triangle, sending out much larger ripples that swallowed the ones from Penelo’s stones right up.
“I thought you were supposed to be running down to the Muthru Bazaar to buy some nails for your dad?” Reks said, standing on the stone edge of the fountain. He dropped another stone into the water. Penelo shrugged moodily.
“I’ll do it later,” she said. Reks rolled his eyes.
“Fine, but don’t forget. If you keep on acting like this you’ll get grounded and then who am I going to hang around with?” he asked.
“Your friends,” Penelo said sarcastically. “You know, the ones you run off with when I really need to talk to you?”
“Alright, alright,” Reks said, holding out his hands defensively. “What’s made my little sunshine so grumpy?”
“I’m not grumpy,” Penelo snapped, standing up. “I’m just… alright, I’m grumpy.” She turned to walk away, then turned back. “And don’t call me that!”