Title: Oops
Fandom: Final Fantasy XII
Characters: Penelo, Reks
Prompt: 042 Break
Word Count: 92
Rating: G
Summary: Penelo thinks she's broken something important.
The_sandsea table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/57837.html “Oops,” Penelo exclaimed as she dropped her mug on the floor, the shards scratching the Sandsea’s slate floor.
“You do realise what you just damaged, don’t you,” Reks asked.
“Er, a mug,” Penelo said. Reks sighed.
“No, idiot. The stone.”
“So? It’s just a stone,” Penelo said.
“The foundation stone of Rabanastre, set down by the first king when he first came here to build a city,” Reks told her.
“You mean I just broke Rabanastre’s beginning?” Penelo asked in horror.
“Nah, only joking,” Reks said after a moment. Penelo whacked him.