Title: Anything
Fandom: Harry Potter
Characters: Ariana D, Albus D
Prompt: #8 Unforgivable
Word Count: 189
Rating: G
Summary: Ariana asks Albus the second of five questions. Sequel to
How?. Table link:
http://airelement.livejournal.com/72127.html I could forgive you anything, Albus. Even what you said, even what you did, even though you hurt me so. Anything, but I don’t know how far ‘anything’ extends. Can I forgive you using my rare moments of sanity against me?
I told you everything whenever I could. When I could, I told you the truth about how I felt, locked away within my own mind… and time after time, when you became angry you always used what I’d said to reinforce such a painful statement. Sometimes it hurt, a sharp pain that flowed through my veins and stabbed viciously at my heart until I was sobbing and screaming and babbling hysterically all at once. Sometimes it hurt so much that I didn’t feel the pain at all. I knew it was there, but I hid from it. I retreated back inside a bubble devoid of emotion, where I was safe from the barbs of cruel words.
I don’t know if I can forgive you for those times, my brother. So that is my second question to you: can I forgive you?
On to the next part: