Title : Along for the Ride Pairings : 2min, Jongkey, Minkey, (maybe) Jongtae Genre : Angst, Fluff, Slight (if any) Smut Rating : M for language and possible smut Word Count : in progress
OMG I WANT MOREEEEE hahahha ^__^ This is sooo amazing and I love where you are going with it gyahhhh. I just hope taemin grows a pair of you know what to stick up minho basically using him. I wanna see taemin get more aggressive ^__^
I'm kinda happy that Taemin is trying to put others before himself, but at the same time, seeing what he has to go through to make others happy makes me feel so sad for him ;A;
Please keep writing this because it is so amazing and refreshing to read something this great!
omg...I crieddd.... this is so sad... (个_个) this makes me hate minho(in this story) even more.. he doesn't deserve taemin's love and sacrifice.. taeminnie! wake up! don't let him hurt u more! *lol sorry XDXD and Jonghyun is so nice and caring..I love him here! If only he knew what minho have done to taemin.... I hope the others would also find out about taemin's condition.... Thank you so much for writing this! XDXD
Comments 25
I kid you not when I say that reading this hurt. I had to squint through teary eyes most of the time to read the words on the screen ;A;
I don't think I've ever felt this emotionally connected to a character in a story before @_@
You are amazing!
Please please please update, soon! I HAVE to know what happens next!
I'm kinda happy that Taemin is trying to put others before himself, but at the same time, seeing what he has to go through to make others happy makes me feel so sad for him ;A;
Please keep writing this because it is so amazing and refreshing to read something this great!
I hope Minho realises Taemin's love before it's too late ;A;
Btw Jonghyun's a really great friend ^^
*Update soon! I love this fic so much <3
this makes me hate minho(in this story) even more.. he doesn't deserve taemin's love and sacrifice..
taeminnie! wake up! don't let him hurt u more! *lol sorry XDXD
and Jonghyun is so nice and caring..I love him here! If only he knew what minho have done to taemin....
I hope the others would also find out about taemin's condition....
Thank you so much for writing this! XDXD
thanks for commenting
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