Title : Along for the Ride Pairings : 2min, Jongkey, Minkey, (maybe) Jongtae Genre : Angst, Fluff, Slight (if any) Smut Rating : M for language and possible smut Word Count : 6066
OMJ! I knew that Taemin was sick but Leukemia?! OMJ! Minho better realize his feelings towards Taeminnie before they both regret it forever. Aww, Jinki, you are a great hyung. T^T
O_____O WHY!!! NOOOOOO... legit tears are falling I can't handle this oh god. I need to find a happy fic to read while i'm reading this or I will fall apart...
*wave* hiiii~ Usually, I'm very silent, but I have to tell you how much I love this! I had an inkling that Taemin had some kind of sickness, but I didn't think it would be something so serious -_- and his days are numbered TT.TT Ah, this is so awesome ♥
UUUGHHHHHH I also knew Taemin had SOMETHING, but Leukemia was a slap in the face omg. The date between 2min was so cute, and Jinki is so sweet... I WANT TO CRY WHY IS THIS HAPPENING TO TAEMIN!?!?!?!?!???!!!
oh God, i really want to find Minho and yell "Taemim is fucking sick!!! How could you keep using him like that?!!!!!!!!" this is just too much for Taemin ;__; i'm just glad Jinki was there for him ;_;
Comments 18
i appreciate the tears :)
Usually, I'm very silent, but I have to tell you how much I love this!
I had an inkling that Taemin had some kind of sickness, but I didn't think it would be something so serious -_- and his days are numbered TT.TT
Ah, this is so awesome
i'm just glad Jinki was there for him ;_;
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