Title: Along for the Ride
Pairing: 2min, side!Jongkey
Genre: Angst, Fluff, Slight (if any) Smut
Rating: M for language and possible smut
Warning: Bring tissues, you might cry. Feel free to leave those tears in my comment box.
He woke to the morning sun, chirping birds, and a ringing cell phone. )
Comments 16
I'm really looking forward to the next chapters, however sad they may be...
I liked keys fantasy about perfect life omo make it go true at the end ;3;
I don't want Taeminnie to die *sobs*
but finally one more person knows, someone more to support poor Minnie
Ugh, Kibum's reaction is just so perfect, and I could see myself being the same way if I found out my best friend was dying
It's so sad to think that Taemin might not get to live a full happy life TT.TT
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I appreciate the comment and criticism!
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