1. Who are you? I am Maya
2. What are you doing while filling this thingy out? listening to beck, and not much else... thinking
3. Why are you filling this out? because im bored and i have work in two hours, so theres not much else to do.
4. What room are you in? my room
5. Who is your bf/gf? nobody
6. Where were you born? manhattan
7. How old are you? 18
8. When's your birthday? October 24, 1985
9. So how are old are you today? repetative?
10. Why are you doing this? REPETATIVE!?
11. What do you want from me? nothing
12. How are you today? cant really explain, in between confused indifferent and blah
13. What did you do today? woke up, showered, went to jose's house, was bit by a dog, came home, ate, and now im waiting to go to work.
14. What time is it? 1:06pm
15. What time did you get up this morning? 10:00am
16. Did you eat breakfast? nope
17. If so, what did you eat?
18. Are you gay/bi/straight/stupid? straight
19. Who is your best friend? lyz, jayme, there a few more that im super close with...
20. Who is your best friend of the opposite sex? magic, dave, markie
21. Who are your favorite rock bands? there are too many to name
22. Who is your fav rapper? andre from outkast
23. Who is your favorite uh...pop singer? none really
26. Have you ever liked a someone merely for how sexy he/she was? i dont know whats going on with me right now...
27. Have you ever thought about doing anything with the same sex? yeah
28. Why or why not? i dont know... it doesnt really matter why...
29. WOULD you ever do anything with the same sex? if i was attracted to them and they were an awesome person why not, theres nothing wrong with it.
30. Who would you like to sleep with someone that goes to your school? no one really, i dont really know know that many people im my school, im a drifter... just like i was in high school
31. What time is it? 11:11pm
32. Are you watching anything on tv? nope
33. Are you listening to any music? beck - sunday sun
34. What's your favorite color? black, white, hot pink (yes i know some of those are shades.)
35. Do you like rainbows? i caught one in a picture once. of course i do...
36. Do you know what they stand for? yes
37. Do you like sex? i wouldnt know... never tried it.
38. Do you like kissing? yes but not as much a spooning and hugging
39. What's your favorite kind of kiss? soft and slow
40. Do you like hugging? very much
42. Do you like cuddling? a lot
43. Do you like snow? yes
44. Do you like the rain? mmm yes
45. Do you like getting sunburned? i rarely get sun burned, i mostly tan
46. Do you like thunderstorms? no they scare me, if someone was holding me it wouldnt be as bad though. im a sap.
47. Does it scare you when you're home alone and the power goes out? very much so. i dont like not being able to hold my hand infront of my face and not be able to see it.
48. What's your phone number? no way..
49. Do you have a picture? not posting...
50. Where do you live? babylon, long island
51. Do you have a lot of spare time? lots, i only work weekends
52. Do you have a license yet? of course
53. If not when will you get it?
54. Do you like shopping? it depends
55. When was the last time you got laid? hmmm lets see.... never?
56. Do you ever get horny? who doesnt...
57. What do you do about it? nothing usually
58. What's your favorite song? led zeppelin since ive been loving you... any song that moves me.
59. Do you like my survey? its alright
60. What can a guy do to make you melt? be sweet, touch my face or neck, and hug me
[The ONE quiz]
Your One Best friend -- lyz
one person you would marry -- right now theres no one i know that i would marry
One thing you would make sure you dont forget on your round trip to zimbabway -- bug spray
One thing you regret -- theres nothing i regret cause i learned from my mistakes
One thing you will never regret -- i dont know
One Person who made the biggest impact on your life -- probably lyz
One reason to wake up each day -- love, experiencing beauty, good friends i cant name one... i love life.
Something important on your desk: cd's
When you sleep you wear: depends, pj pants or boxers, t-shirts, nighties... it depends on the temp in my room
If you could afford it at the moment, you would buy: a record store
Something you don't have a lot of: money
If your house was burning and you could only save 3 items what would they be: cd's, rosie, my beatles blanket
If there were no side effects, you would enjoy being addicted to: nothing
A time when you purposly hurt someone emotionally: i dont think ive ever PURPOSELY hurt someone in any way
A time you accidentally hurt someone emotionally: i hurt lyz a few time unintentionally and im sorry for that.
One person you have killed in your thoughts: anyone i hung out with a few years ago and i dont see or talk to anyone...
Three traits you look for in a friend: goodhearted, open, funny
Who makes you laugh most often: lyz, markie, jayme, brian, mike, magic, dave, everyone makes me laugh, its really not hard
A friend who you can tell anything: lyz, markie, jamie, for the most part jayme and magic
A friend you can go to for advice: lyz,jamie, jayme, magic, markie
The best piece of advice you had been given: just live
Two closest friends: lyz and markie since ive known them longest
The friend who uses most of your energy: joey
Your 3 best qualities: i genuinely care, i listen, im openminded
Your 3 worst qualities: no patience with stupid and ignorant people, i cant explain my feelings easily, i hide my true feelings sometimes
Describe your Ideal self : if i was any different i wouldnt be myself
You are embarassed when: when people point out that i do alot for them, and that im too nice
The greatest physical pain you ever endured: when i had appendicitis, and when i tore all the ligaments in my ankle, and there are more...
The greatest emotional pain you ever endured: ex boyfriends and ex friends, people who take advantage of me and who i am.
Moment you are most ashamed of: ...
Your best physical feature:hair, eyes, lips i dont know...
who/What makes you happy: my friends, hugs, when everyones happy and laughing, video games, animals, shows, music, so many things
Who/what makes you sad:when people are upset, when somethings not right, my parents sometimes, work, etc
Emotion you hide most: loneliness and sadness
The emotion you tend to experience most: comfort and sometime loneliness
the emotion you are feeling most lately: loneliness
You have a huge amount of guilt regarding: nothing really
When you are angry you need: to clean, or drive
When you are sentimental you need: listen to music
When you are in love you need: physical contact
One of your most peaceful memories: the beach at night
One of your most tragic memories: when my aunt and my friend died, and when i was in a car accident, they happened right after another
One of your angriest memories: there are a few involving my mother and alcohol
A memory that makes you laugh: second half of 11th grade weekends with lyz
a memory that makes you happy: all the shows these past few months
Something someone can say or do that you find extremely attractive: sweet nothings are so cute, and a soft touch to the face or neck is amazing
Something someone can say or do that you find unattractive: anything involving violence, and thing really really ignorant or rude
Two things appealing about people: kindness, talent
A personality trait you find appealing: i love it when people take nothing for granted
Your secret passion: it wouldnt be a secret if i said it here would it?
What you enjoy most about having a committed relationship: i dont know i havent had an enjoyable relationship
DO you have a bf/gf if yes who? nope
What do you find sexy about them: um
A place where you want to have sex: haha in my car cause the back seats fold down into a bed
A strange place where you have had sex: in my head? hahahahaha no where i guess
What drives you crazy (in a good way) about this person: well im assuming that you asking about a significant other, so ill just talk about some i deem significant, i love it when he cracks things like his back and knuckles for some reason its really sexy, and i like that he like physical contact also, like spooning woo
What music is on when you have sex, or is it the tv?:I DONT HAVE SEX! geez!
Favorite song to have sex to : wouldnt know
Describe your mate(ps- hes not really my mate i just like him) physicaly: 5'9" or 5'10" i dont know hes like my height, brown shaggy hair, pretty brown eyes, GREAT smile, nice big hands, just very nice everywhere
Describle your mate's(^^^) personality: spontainous,a bit excentric, very sweet, hilarious, affectionate
You feel most attractive when: when he hugs me or plays with my hands or hair
Favorite thing you like to see your mate wear: whatever doesnt matter
what would you like your mate to do more of: like me more? maybe? haha
If you had more time alone you would: i would read more
If you had more patience you would: educate ignorant fools
If you could change one thing about your physical appearance what would it be: stomach
If you had no committments what would you be doing: traveling
If you could have one super power what would it be: invisibility
If you could start all over.... nope i like who i am