General Theme
Mood Themes
It's not often that we recycle themes, here at
airgear_awards, but I loved this as it was my first theme that I hosted here.
LiveJournal has 132 different recognised moods from "accomplished" to "worried". Feel free to interpret this however you like, whether it's expressed visually or through a play on words. So long as it related to one of LJ's established moods.
The Full List:
Accomplished, Aggravated, Amused, Angry, Annoyed, Anxious, Apathetic, Artistic, Awake
Bitchy, Blah, Blank, Bored, Bouncy, Busy
Calm , Cheerful, Chipper, Cold, Complacent, Confused, Contemplative, Content, Cranky, Crappy, Crazy, Creative, Crushed, Curious, Cynical
Depressed, Determinned, Devious, Dirty, Disappointed, Discontent, Distressed, Ditzy, Dorky, Drained, Drunk
Ecstatic, Embarrassed, Energetic, Enraged, Enthralled, Envious, Exanimate, Excited, Exhausted
Flirty, Frustrated, Full
Geeky, Giddy, Giggly, Gloomy, Good, Grateful, Groggy, Grumpy, Guilty
Happy, High, Hopeful, Horny, Hot, Hungry, Hyper
Impressed, Indescribale, Indifferent, Infuriated, Intimidated, Irate, Irritated
Jealous, Jubilant
Lazy, Lethagric, Listless, Lonely, Loved
Melancholy, Mellow, Mischevious, Moody, Morose
Naughty, Nauseated, Nerdy, Nervous, Nostalgic, Numb
Okay, Optomistic
Peaceful, Pensive, Pessimistic, Pissed Off, Pleased, Predatory, Productive
Recumbent, Refreshed, Rejected, Rejuvenated, Relaxed, Relieved, Restless, Rushed
Sad, Satisfied, Scared, Shocked, Sick, Silly, Sleepy, Sore, Stressed, Surprised, Sympathetic
Thankful, Thirsty, Thoughtful, Tired, Touched
Weird, Working, Worried
Lyrical Theme
There is a Minimum Word Count of THREE WORDS.
Mixed Emotions - Rolling Stones
Button your lip baby
Button your coat
Lets go out dancing
Go for the throat
Lets bury the hatchet
Wipe out the past
Make love together
Stay on the path
Youre not the only one
With mixed emotions
Youre not the only ship
Adrift on this ocean
This coming and going
Is driving me nuts
This to-ing and fro-ing
Is hurting my guts
So get off the fence
Its creasing your butt
Life is a party
Lets get out and strut
Youre not the only one
Thats feeling lonesome
Youre not the only one
With mixed emotions
Youre not the only one
Youre not the only one
Youre not the only one
Youre not the only one
Lets grab the world
By the scruff of the neck
And drink it down deeply
Lets love it to death
So button your lip
And button your coat
Lets go out dancing
Lets rock n roll
Youre not the only one
With mixed emotions
Youre not the only ship
Adrift on this ocean
Youre not the only one
Thats feeling lonesome
Youre not the only one
With mixed emotions
Lyrics from Lyrics Freak Image Theme
Feel free to treat the image as you please.
Click on the thumbnail for the full image.
Submission Rules:
.>> You may enter up to three icons, but each must be for a different theme. For example, you can have one for the general theme and another for the image theme, but not two for the general prompt.
.>> Submit following this format:
Theme: General/Lyrical/Image
URL: Icon created by
.>> Your deadline is Sunday, 26 October 2008, 16:00 Eastern Standard Time/21:00 GMT. If you're not sure what your time zone is then please Check it against
The World Clock (New York is EST & London is GMT)
.>> And for another way to contribute...