Week 4: Submit

May 07, 2006 00:29

I am quite possibly one of the happiest bunnies on the face of this earth right now. So without further ado, I do present to thee you're new challenges for this week! XD

General Theme


It's essential! We all need to eat... and after tasting some of the most beautiful dumplings prepared by a friend the other night I would love to see some delicious food-based icons!

So whether it's breakfast/lunch/dinner, your favourite type of food, a take-away, a play on the Noymano girls' names, a physical demonstration of someone eating, or cutesy lover's names like 'honey' or 'pumpkin', I would just love to see what you can come up with!

Lyrical Theme

I don't like to be strict with the word count, so you only need a trifling 2 consecutive words. After you've done that, you're free to use other play around with more words.

It's a fun & lively song that takes me back to my final years in school. Feel free to interpret in whichever way you want, and just have fun, fun, fun!!!

Girls & Boys
by Blur

Street's like a jungle
So call the police
Following the herd
Down to Greece
On holiday

Love in the 90's
Is paranoid
On sunny beaches
Take your chances looking for

Girls who are boys
Who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they're girls
Who do girls like they're boys
Always should be someone you really love

Avoiding all work
Because there's none available
Like battery thinkers
Count your thoughts on 1 2 3 4 5 fingers
Nothing is wasted
Only reproduced
Get nasty blisters
Du bist sehr schon*
But we haven't been introduced!

Girls who are boys
Who like boys to be girls
Who do boys like they're girls
Who do girls like they're boys
Always should be someone you really love

* You're only allowed to use this line if you can provide me with a translation ^.^

Image Theme

Purely because I want to adopt Akito... ^.^

Submission Rules:
.>> You may enter up to 2 icons, but each must be for a different theme. For example, you can have one for the general theme and another for the image theme, but not two for the general prompt.

.>> Submit following this format:

Theme: General/Lyrical/Image

URL: http://i76.photobucket.com/albums/j25/SimCa25/layout/agaw1.png

.>> Your deadline is Saturday, May 13, 02:00 PM Eastern Standard Time. This is because we had a slight delay this week, and it also gives me a chance to lie in on a Saturday morning *cackles* But most importantly... have fun! ^.^

week 4, theme

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