Title: beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
Characters: Eunhyuk, the rest of Fighting Junior, Lee Sena
Rating: PG
Genre: Friendship, Life, Romance
Author's Note: I really enjoyed the WGM episode yesterday. It was fun, despite all of them being the awkward dorks that they are. It was nice to see the boys "dating". I really felt bad for Lee Sena, though. I thought it was nice that there was a touch of reality to the show, which is ironic because it is a reality show. Or something. Anyway, it made me want to write something and this came out of it.
beneath the sheets of paper lies my truth
“You’re going to come out as an asshole.”
Eunhyuk merely smirked as Leeteuk joined him to sit on the 2nd to the last stair step. “It’s nothing I haven’t been called before,” he responded.
Eunhyuk had made Lee Sena, one of the actresses that Sora had brought along for them to meet, cry by accident. What had been fashioned to create more laughter to the audience brought an innocent girl to tears.
Jungsoo sighed and looked up at the sky. They were back at the café, where they originally started the blind dates for their segment for We Got Married, to reshoot some scenes.
“Do you ever wonder sometimes where it all begins and where it ends?” Jungsoo mused, gaze buried deep in the white clouds.
“What?” Eunhyuk asked, lifting his head to look at his hyung.
“Eunhyuk,” Jungsoo answered, looking away from the clouds and meeting his eyes. “Leeteuk…”
“Doesn’t really matter anymore, does it?” Hyukjae said resignedly. “No one really cares whether we’re only doing our jobs or whether we’re being ourselves.”
“Some people still do,” Jungsoo corrected him, lightly squeezing his shoulder, “the people who actually know you.” Hyukjae didn’t say anything. “Hyuk, c’mon, you’re not going to let this get you down, are you?”
“Teukie hyung-.”
Jungsoo quirked an eyebrow at him.
“Jungsoo hyung,” Hyukjae corrected himself. Sometimes, the lines blurred for him, too. Sometimes he forgot whom he was talking to. It was just hard to tell anymore at times. He even wondered who he really was. Was he already more of Eunhyuk? Or was he still Hyukjae?
“You know better than to let the criticisms that will fall on this show affect you before it even happens,” Jungsoo reminded him. “Hyukjae,” he called him. When the younger male met his gaze, he continued, “Sena has accepted your apology. I think hers is the only opinion that matters right now.”
Hyukjae smiled a little, but shook his head. “She’s never going to let me live this down,” he muttered.
“I will if you take me out for coffee after all of this is over.”
Jungsoo looked up, an immediate grin on his face, while Hyukjae scrambled up for dear life to get off the step. Jungsoo shot him a knowing look before making his exit.
Eunhyuk looked at Sena. Sena smiled at Hyukjae.
“You still want me to take you out even if I’ve been a complete and total jerk to you?” Eunhyuk asked. Disbelief colored his tone.
“I believe your apology,” Sena simply answered, shrugging slightly. “Even if you were grinning happily while doing it.”
“I was not grinning happily,” Hyukjae began to defend himself. “That’s just how I-.”
“Hyukjae,” she stopped him, a smile on her face, “I know.” She gave him a pointed and knowing look. “I was just teasing you.”
Eunhyuk gave her a peculiar look. “You called me Hyukjae.”
“That’s your name, isn’t it?” she asked, confused.
“Eunhyuk’s my name, too,” he pointed out.
“So do you want me to call you that instead?” she wanted to know.
“No, I just-no one I’ve met for the first time in this industry has dared to call me Hyukjae right off the bat and-.” He cut himself short, looking a bit sheepish.
She looked even more perplexed and hurt. “Look, if you really don’t want to go out with me, you can just say so. I can take a second hint,” she told him. She formed a smile on her face. “See you around, Lee Hyukjae.” She turned to leave.
Someone grabbed her arm, almost twirling her around to look back.
“Yes, he would like to take you out for coffee,” Sungmin, appearing out of nowhere, spoke for Hyukjae.
“I really don’t-,” Sena began, a frown on her face.
“He’s stupid in front of the girl that he likes,” Sungmin told her as if that explained everything, which it did.
Sena looked at Eunhyuk.
“I would like to take you out for coffee,” Hyukjae confirmed forcefully, hoping that he sounded convincing enough, which he probably didn’t. He always failed to be believable when he needed it the most.
Sena studied him for a bit. He shifted uncomfortably into his stance. Then she smiled at him and nodded before going back inside the coffee shop.
Eunhyuk practically glowered as Sungmin started laughing, followed by Jungsoo, Donghae and Kyuhyun, who had all stepped out of the coffee shop. They all witnessed his fantastic fail.
“This should be in the show,” Kyuhyun announced, clutching his stomach in laughter.
“It will be epic,” Donghae agreed, high-fiving Kyuhyun. “Imagine what the fans will think.”
“Hyuk will look like an asshole and a complete fail,” Sungmin concluded.
Eunhyuk shot all of them a hurt look. “Well they won’t get to see this fail of mine,” Hyukjae declared, admitting what happened to them. “Only Sena did (“and us,” Kyuhyun muttered). And she seemed to think it was cute.” Kyuhyun and Sungmin choked on their laughter. “Besides, her opinion is the only one that matters in this instance,” he continued resolutely. “Other people may see me as an asshole or a jerk or a player or whatever, but Sena knows the truth and that’s what’s important.”
The boys were stunned into silence.
“Good lord,” Kyuhyun remarked in horror. “You’ve turned into Donghae hyung. You’ve just met her. Just because she gave you kisses on the hand and smiled at you, doesn’t mean-.”
Donghae shoved the very impudent magnae and ran back inside the coffee shop just as the staff asked them to go back inside. Sungmin snickered and pulled Kyuhyun to go back in with him.
“Well, that’s one way to exemplify what we had discussed earlier,” Jungsoo chuckled.
“I really like her, hyung,” Eunhyuk admitted with a sigh. “But I…I don’t know. I’m not sure about this. Taking her out for coffee would be fine-it’s just coffee, but after that…”
“Aren’t you getting a bit ahead of yourself? You did just meet her,” Leeteuk echoed Kyuhyun’s words in a nicer manner. “You don’t even know her that well.”
“I know enough,” Hyukjae insisted. He met his hyung’s eyes. “This is real, hyung. I want to see what’s going to happen if I pursue this, if I pursue her. But I’m torn. I don’t know if-.” He cut himself off.
“Who’s thinking for you right now?” Jungsoo gave in, stopping giving counter advice. Eunhyuk bit his lip. “Forget Eunhyuk. This is your life, Hyukjae. And if you know that this is something that you want, then you should go for it. Eunhyuk has had his turn with your life. It’s time Hyukjae gets his.”
Eunhyuk stood there in contemplation. Then he lifted his eyes and saw Sena through the window of the coffee shop. She waved at him when their eyes met.
Hyukjae smiled.
Started: 1/29/12
Finished: 1/29/12
Words: 1,142