Arrived on the 14th of October 2011. Currently resides on the 10th floor, room 001.
His individual belongings are a pouch of coins, a spyglass, one sword, two pistols and one dagger, all carried over from his world.
No deaths or forgotten words so far.
"Fueled by narcissistic vanity and diabolical evil, Buckingham strives to destroy the nation of France. Although he has in his possession a newfound war weapon, Buckingham's greatest weapon lies within his own tongue, the weapon of charm."
...Or so the movie's website claims at any rate. My Duke of Buckingham mainly takes after that very movie portrayal and is therefore a professional pompous arse, although for the sake of character depth and Because I CanTM traces of the historical George Villiers as well as Dumas' take on the man will be found mushed into the game as well.
Black hair, brown eyes, athletic built. Hard to pay attention to any of that when an
early 17th Century outfit greets you. He carries himself well and with ever so much poise and sooner or later I will find a voice sample to add to his pompousness dignity. But fear not! The mansion's translation magic will smooth over any troubles his Early Modern English might otherwise give you.
If we pretend that the movie takes place in the same year as the first novel and if we further pretend that the movie's duke shares his birthday with the historical duke (and we will do both those things for the time being) then we can set his age at 33 and further throw Orlando Bloom's height at 5' 10" (179 cm) into the mix.
Smooth-talking is his weapon of choice, but
his modest collection suggests that he can have his fun with firearms as well.
(Some archery perhaps, but its purpose is purely recreational. The bow in combat? Oh Heavens, no. His ears are not nearly pointy enough for such feats.)
Dancing and fencing have likely been taught to him since he was a boy, although enjoying the former rather more than the latter might leave him with skills that are more proficient in form than function and would not earn him glorious victories opposite opponents who are, oh say, extremely skilled and not currently drugged out of their sweet mind.
Oh, while the subject of smooth-talking is still on our mind: Don't expect to get away with gossip, should the mansion's translation devices ever fail. His English, French and Latin are sound and his Greek, Italian and Spanish are not too poor either.