Title: White Lie
Pairing: Jaejoong/Yunho
Rating: PG-13
Length: One-shot
Genre: Crack
Summary: Jaejoong finds something on Yunho’s floor. Yunho is a bad liar.
“No Jaejoong, that is not my thong,” Yunho said, completely deadpan.
Jaejoong merely raised an eyebrow, the red lacy garment still dangling from his outstretched index finger. “Care to explain why I found it on your floor then? I know you haven’t had any girls around lately, so how else did it get there?”
Yunho was silent for a moment. “Someone put it there?”
Jaejoong’s eyebrow climbed higher. “Why on earth would someone put a thong on your floor?”
“…For hilarity purposes?”
“I’m not really seeing the funny side.”
“Well, I don’t know what to tell you,” Yunho said, deciding that the conversation should be over and walking past the older man. “It’s not mine and I don’t know why it was there. Are you sure it’s not yours?”
Jaejoong scoffed. “Yunho, I don’t wear thongs.”
“Maybe you should,” Yunho shrugged, casting a glance back at the other before swiftly facing forward again, slightly shocked that he’d just suggested that.
“And maybe I should look in your drawers to find the matching bra to go with this.” Jaejoong waved his thong-clad finger at Yunho’s retreating back.
“There isn’t a matching bra!” Yunho cried, spinning around. “I’m not that weird!”
Jaejoong smirked. “So it is your thong?”
Yunho gaped for a few moments, unsure of what to say now that he’d been caught out. “No?” he replied meekly.
“Whatever,” Jaejoong sighed and shook his head. “I don’t really care what you’re into. Just… Be a man and own up to it.”
“But really, it’s not for me!” Yunho cried.
“Then who’s it for?”
“You,” he said, but stopped instantly as Jaejoong’s eyes widened. “You… Chun. It’s for Yoochun.”
Jaejoong ignored the strange feeling in his chest. “Yoochun. Okay… Why is Yoochun’s thong on your floor?”
“He left it there, obviously.”
The strange feeling in Jaejoong’s chest began to intensify. “Left it there when? And why? Why was Yoochun wearing a thong in your room and why did he take it off?”
Yunho opened his mouth, tried to say something, anything. Nothing was forthcoming, so he took a moment and tried again, and again, but soon realised that there was no way he could possibly elaborate on his fictitious explanation. Eventually, he settled with, “He… didn’t.”
“It’s… not Yoochun’s.”
“So it’s yours?”
“Not… exactly.”
Jaejoong frowned, thoroughly confused (though the strange feeling had thankfully disappeared once he’d learnt that Yoochun hadn’t been wearing the underwear - and then not wearing it - in Yunho’s room). “Yunho, I’m really not understanding this.”
Looking down at the crumpled ball of red lace, sure that his cheeks matched the colour, Yunho mumbled, “It’s… I bought it, but I have no intention of wearing it… It’s… a present.”
“A present.” That feeling was back.
“For whom?”
“For… you.”
It was a good ten seconds before Jaejoong managed to find words with which to respond. “Me? You… You bought a thong for me? Why?”
“Because I…” Yunho closed his eyes and sighed, unable to look the other in the eyes as he said, “I want you to wear it.”
At Jaejoong’s stunned silence, Yunho continued.
“I want you to wear it whilst you… fuck me.”
Jaejoong was still silent, but his eyes were wide and his cheeks flushed. The strange feeling in his chest had morphed into something else, something he was more familiar with. Desire.
Yunho didn’t care to say any more though, so it was up to Jaejoong to offer a response.
“But we… We’re just… We don’t… Aren’t you… Fuck you?”
Yunho’s head dropped down even further. “We’re just friends, right? And we don’t do things like that? And aren’t I… straight?” He laughed. “Not by a long shot. And… yes. Fuck me. If you want.”
“Wearing this.” Jaejoong gestured to the thong.
Yunho gave a slight shrug. “If you want.”
Jaejoong grinned. “Well… There’s a first time for everything.”