Ok so I may or may not have updated here, so let me get y'all up to speed on recent things.
I had 3 classes, I dropped two of them because one (character development) had a huge workload, and the other (english 1A/freshman comp) had a fucking INFURIATING teacher, and I did not want another goddamn italian teacher. Seriously, it was bad enough to the point where I was cutting again.
The only one I kept was storyboarding, and that was stressful but lovely, and all in all, the semester was a bit of a salvaged train wreck. Got an A in the class overall, hup-dee-doo.
It happens. :/
Anyways, on June 13th (RIGHT after finals), I had a laparoscopy because my cramps here atrociously bad, and nothing was working. The doc went in and found endometriosis growing outside my uterus (as we expected, since it runs in the family), so she removed as much of that as she could.
She also found a hemorrhagic cyst on my ovary that was as big as the uterus, so she removed that too.
So for the past month or so I've slowly been recovering from said surgery, to the point of having to rest frequently since I tire quicker, and to remove wheat from my diet since it was upsetting my intestines.
And now 2 days ago I got an injection of Lupron Depot, and it's basically artificial menopause. It's supposed to stop my period, and also make the endometriosis stop growing and make it recede. I'm gonna be on it for 6 months, then she'll switch me to birth control pills. (which we originally tried 3 of before, but they didn't work)
She warned me that I could be feeling side effects similar to menopause for the first week or two, and I've been cramping for a few days, and today WHADYA KNOW, I get a hot flash. |D
I'm in for a great week or so.