I can't believe it's happening..

Jun 08, 2006 10:13

Ever since I was in high school at Brecksville I had horrible grades. If you asked any of the students who was less likely to graduate on time it would have been me. I was so consumed in worrying about simple things, trying to escape my life because I hated it so much. I had the few perks when I was still in high school that I never thought would ( Read more... )

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Comments 10

pantherpg June 8 2006, 18:20:25 UTC

I know I've said it before, but I'll say it again.

I love you and I'm so very proud of you. You've come a long way in the past few years and I'm just so happy for you!



aishiteruxo June 8 2006, 19:44:41 UTC
Thanks, sis. :D

>=( You better be able to come home soon, I'm missing you like a fat kid does being skinny!

PS: This was not made to offend anyone obese.


feyrial June 8 2006, 20:34:35 UTC
I haven't talked to you much since all that stuff, since you kind of stopped being online (that I knew of), so I don't really know all that happened - but I'm so happy for you for graduating. You win! :D


aishiteruxo June 8 2006, 22:30:13 UTC
Yes, I so won. Like, woah. I kicked ass. It feels good. ;P

*hugs for teh Tabs!*


teribaumer330 June 9 2006, 02:00:11 UTC
okay if that was your sister on the first coment... I really love her icon... Yotsubato is my bastard child.

I am incredibly proud of you. I wish I had had the perserverance and modivation to do that... except I didn't have the ability to move. *shrugs* I can understand why you want to graduate on time too... I did too, but it just wasn't happening. I really dug a huge ass well for myself. So seeing that you have acomplished so much makes me think there is much better out there in the future for me. I'll be getting my GED and I'll be starting college. Though... I suck at school work... *cough..Math..Cough* But congrats! You will soon be an alumni of your school!


aishiteruxo June 9 2006, 02:37:56 UTC
I'm internet schooled this year, I don't think that qualifies me for alumni.. You can't *really* be alumni if there is nothing really to be alumni over. *grin* But thank you for the love!

And yes, dear, that is my real sister, whom I love so much. She kicks all ass.


xmykisskillsx June 9 2006, 03:00:08 UTC
*Sings a song..*

Who's gonna GRADUATE?

(The last part is to be sung like "Go Ninja, go ninja, go ninja, go!")


aishiteruxo June 9 2006, 12:18:32 UTC
Wow. I even get my own little ninja-rapped themesong?!

I must be loved! :]


djstunna June 9 2006, 06:54:34 UTC
Michelle you knew this day would come. My grades were horrible and I failed one year and i made the mistake of sleeping once again through the next year. At the end I came together, I didnt try hard but I put some efforted to it and I passed.

You have more energy then anyone I know and also more will. If I could barely try and pass through the last quarter I know you can do all of this and more. Youve been not only getting your grades together but youve pretty much prepared yourself and gone through what you are going through in real life. You've already taken care of your family and you will definently be prepared when you have your own.

So when you cry dont over the happiness of your diploma, cry because you've already done it all. You've beat everything and you are ready for anything that comes your way. You knew you could do this and so did we.

Congrats Michelle *lessthanthree*


aishiteruxo June 9 2006, 12:17:54 UTC
You know when I read this I had to take a double take? I was like.. Wow. I'm flattered and shocked at the same time. Hehe, I even had to check your IP! LOL! Wow.. I'm really speechless. I know you've been through so much during your highschool years, and when this comes from you I'm just like "Wow." Now you've made me cry! What the hell? What's up with all this crying ( ... )


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