FORTY MINUTES. Even my KNEES hurt. *glee!*
My tendon is tightening up already. But this run is notable for two reasons. One, it's the first time I've hit 40min since the injury. It was done in twilight, on grass and roads, and a bit on concrete. Two, I felt like I could've done more. I didn't, because even at my slow shuffle of "please don't re-
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Comments 6
Are you still doing your hill walking?
I'm not even walking for the past few weeks. I've started a new job and the clocks went back last week, so walking at night is out the question. On the days I'm not working I'm doing housework or running errands. I'm still losing weight, but if I can't work some kind of exercise in the schedule, I'll lose my condition and I don't want to do that.
It's not just that - I like the zen of being out where the wild things are - helps me cope with batshit colleagues. I'm snippy with everyone because I need my zen.
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