Title: Two Suns in This World
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Murata, some Yuuri, some-but-not-really Shinou, mentions of Jose
Series: None
Warnings: Definite spoilers for Murata's past and backstory, possible spoilers up to ep 75 (it's pretty vague, so it depends on how spoiler-sensitive you are). Apart from that, it's pretty harmless.
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Comments 12
...so I'm not the only one who has been scouring the internet for Murata/Sagefic? Maybe we should compare what we've found... there certainly doesn't seem to be much... even less that's not Murata/Wolfram or Murata/Yuuri. -_- I've written one other Muratafic that just needs a bit of editing before I put it up and have ideas for others, so with luck I should be reasonably productive :)
Most of the Shinou/Sagefic I've found comes via omg_maou and its members... there's also some on figment_tree and the odd scattered piece here and there. Non-Shinou/Sage Muratacentric is a bit more difficult, since most stuff is pairings. :/
I know what you mean about Shinou/Sage verging on OTP status... it's completely bizarre for me because I usually don't like any pairings, and now whenever I write Murata Shinou creeps in somewhere and I have the *hardest* time trying to keep them from kissing or... other shenanigans. Or ( ... )
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