...and once again, trying to detail the plot bunnies for my fics leads to me actually writing the fics. Er. Yay!
Title: In Memoriam
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
Characters: Sage and Shinou! :D
Series: Currently also called In Memoriam
Warnings: Angst and angst, but it all gets better in the end. Um, character death except it's Murata so it doesn't count
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Comments 32
And yeah, somehow I imagine that after having kept his memories for so long he can't just give them up. Although to be honest, I have no idea how the Shinou knew that Murata/the Sage would remember and that therefore he had to too. It's Shinou! He's omniscient! *g*
Sequelwise, I don't have very much - just an idea about Yuuri and co. seeing them on one of his returns to Earth, and a very cute idea about them arguing about what to do now which somehow turns into a discussion of Arthurean myths. ("So I'm Arthur, and you're Merlin... so, what, Rufus is Galahad? Lawrence is Lancelot?" "...has Lawrence stolen any lovers from you lately?" "You tell me.". Just don't ask.) The thing is that most of my ( ... )
...omg, that sounds adorable. And I didn't even think of the Arthur and Merlin angle until now, but somehow that makes it EXTRA adorable. Shinou is totally King Arthur. XD (no fanart bunnies plz exams this week) Domestic Shinou and Sage sounds awesome and the more the better!! Meanwhile, I think I need to read that AU. Later.
And so there wouldn't be too big an age difference. ;)
It's mostly because they're planning to be legendary heroes who come to aid Shin Makoku in times of great peril. Although Shinou's still wondering whether he should still pick the next Maou; neither of them are particularly enamoured by hereditary reign. Main argument against is that they wouldn't really have time or access to the candidates.
It's really cute; they've sort of settled on Shinou = Arthur and Sage = Merlin (although Shinou suggested Guinevere), and then they started arguing about the others... and then Murata suggested Lawrence for Lancelot and Shinou went O RLY AND WHY HIM and Murata went I AM NOT GUINEVERE, OKAY. RUFUS CAN BE GUINEVERE and. Yes.
oh god this series has eaten my braaaiiin.
This is the best ending ever...!!!! XD
When the series ended, I was all like "wtf???!!! So no more sagely goodness in future generations??? nuuuu~ Murata..." (;_;)
But then your fic comes around and just brightens up my day... :D
( ... )
Thank you! I'm glad to see I wasn't the only one who went "NOOOOOO" when Murata said he wouldn't remember and seemed happy about that. I mean... he can't really enjoy his fight being over if he doesn't remember!! And and Shinou would just be a stranger after so long and you'd think they'd want to enjoy both being incarnate and sane for once! JUST SAY NO TO AMNESIA, MURATA!
So. This fic. It's my canon *stubborn look*. And is already spawning an army of sequel-prequelish things, what.
I loved the way Shinou managed to reasure him in just a few moments. It's just like him to know how to do that. ^^
Originally I was thinking of him having lied to Yuuri, or at least not having told the whole truth, and wanting to keep his memories anyhow (maybe he wanted to get Shin Makoku off his back? Wanted to "retire" from Sageliness and knew they'd never leave him in peace otherwise?) but then the line about his memories being like water hit me and lo, this fic was born. ^^
And as for Shinou... well, he basically just had to show that he still remembered, since that was what Murata was so worried about. ^^ And besides, he knows his Sage!
SHINOUSHINOUSHINOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU *feels so glad for Kenja* that was so nice of you ;_; kenja deserves that after waiting four thousand years
god. just thinking about it makes me hurt for the poor man =/
that was lovely~
I'm glad you liked it! :D
Please please let there be a sequel. A long one. Of epic porportions. With fluffy bunnies and sproks!~
Hehehe, don't mind me. I just get giddy whenever I see a well-written ShinDai fic, there's not much. The fic was great, just the right kind of ending with the right amount of angst. Sage being all "sneaky sneaky... BAM BOOM omgIamsosorryIdidn'tseewhereIwasgoing... O_O!"
Tata for now! I hope to read many of your future fics. Off to work on my Murata cosplay. ;)
There are as yet no fluffy bunnies, but there is one four-year-old Shinou + teddy bear angstfic, which is probably worse.
I just get giddy whenever I see a well-written ShinDai fic, there's not much....I think someday all we ShinDai fans need to get together and compare notes, just in case there's some fic buried deeply somewhere that someone missed. I think I've found most all of them myself. And read twenty times. Yes. ;_ ( ... )
I eat brains too! :3 *Gnaws*~
T___T Toddler!Shinou + Teddy would be so adorable. Eeeeee! <3 I can imagine a toddle!Sage with a picture book too. ^^
We should. I agree... maybe a ficathon? :P We could build on the ending of the series a bit more (Ulrike's expression!) or on AU/historical stories.... *gears churns in head*
I love it when Murata's plans are foiled. Ha! <-- Sadist.
^^ A couple of friends and I are going to this year's AN as the KKM crew. We have a Yuuri, Wolfram, Greta, Murata and maaaaybe a Ulrike. Not sure though and I've been looking for a blond bitch Shinou of my own.
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