Rules for Writers
1. Stories must be at least 15,000 words, but there is no maximum length.
2. Stories can be gen, het, or slash. Any pairings are allowed.
3. Both AUs and crossovers are allowed.
4. Stories must focus on characters from Wonderland.
5. Once complete, stories will be posted on authors' journals or sites, and a master list of fics and summaries will be posted at this community.
6. Stories cannot be posted prior to the official big bang posting date.
7. Writers can sign up to create art as well, but they must create art for a work other than their own.
8. Stories must have at least one beta reader.
9. If you drop out during the process, please notify the mods.
10. Writers should join
aiw_big_bang community, not just watch it, so as to get all notes from the mods.
Aug 27: Writer Sign-Up Period Begins (Writer)
Sep 10: Writer Sign-Up Period Ends (Writer)
Oct 1 Sep 29: Beta Sign-Up Begins
Nov 1: Artist Sign-Up Begins (Artist)
Nov 14: Artist Sign-Up Ends (Artist); Beta Sign-Up Ends
Nov 15: Rough Drafts Due to Artists and Betas
Dec 1: Final Pieces (fic, art, vids, etc.) Due
Dec 5: Posting Begins
To Sign Up
Please comment below with the following information:
LJ Username:
Author Name:
Do you need a beta? Or, who is your beta if you have one already?
Which Alice fandom does your story belong to?
Will your story be gen, het, or slash? What pairing will you be writing for? (This can change)
Do you have a co-writer? If so, please provide their name and contact info.
Questions? Concerns? Gripped with Indecision? Contact:
just_a_dram or