the gangster of love says:
You know what? If 13 year old girls put as much time and talent into say, fiscal solvency as they do into drawing Harry Potter naked, we'd all be saved.
Defender says:
Ick, ick, ick.
the gangster of love says:
Livejournal has a really seedy underbelly.
the gangster of love says:
Masterminded by 13 year old girls
Defender says:
13 year-old girls are creepy. Even to 13 year-old boys.
the gangster of love says:
Well, that's just because 13 year old boys are more like 11 year old boys, whereas 13 year old girls are more like 16 year old girls.
Defender says:
Defender says:
Frightening stuff.
the gangster of love says:
My sister is 13 and she was filling me in on this internet phenomena the other day... apparently harry fans are called Potheads, and LotR fans are Ringnuts... and they battle it out on the message boards with extreme ferocity.
Defender says:
Defender says:
Defender says:
Fandom has many frightening facets.
the gangster of love says:
That it does.