I think that Judy Dench is rather talented, as is Nicole Kidman (of recent years, anyways). I know that there are others which always strike me as being really good, but I can't think of them at the moment.
Im not questioning the old guard... Dench, Deneuve, Dunaway, Streep, Grier, Reed... there have been amazing female actors. My beef is with these "up-and-comers".
We've got to be able to do better than Holmes and Bosworth and McAdams and Paris friggin Hilton
well, those ones which you mentioned do all suck. But, I can think of a few actresses who can be quite versatile. Kiera Knightly Reese Whitherspoon - did quite a good job in Vanity Fair, and always plays a good character Kate Hudson
and I know that there are a few others whom I feel generally give excellent performances, with one or two exceptions.
We're gonna have to agree to disagree on all three you mentioned.
Knightly is little more than a pretty face and begins to mumble whenever she has to raise her voice even in the slightest. Witherspoon's ability to mimic a British accent is perhaps her only redeeming quality, and I am surprised to learn that there exists someone who actually enjoyed VANITY FAIR - live and learn. As for Hudson... please mention one film - nay, one single scene in which she exhibits even a modicum of acting prowess; I will track it down to witness this anomoly myself, post-haste.
Comments 7
Im not questioning the old guard... Dench, Deneuve, Dunaway, Streep, Grier, Reed... there have been amazing female actors. My beef is with these "up-and-comers".
We've got to be able to do better than Holmes and Bosworth and McAdams and Paris friggin Hilton
But, I can think of a few actresses who can be quite versatile.
Kiera Knightly
Reese Whitherspoon - did quite a good job in Vanity Fair, and always plays a good character
Kate Hudson
and I know that there are a few others whom I feel generally give excellent performances, with one or two exceptions.
Knightly is little more than a pretty face and begins to mumble whenever she has to raise her voice even in the slightest.
Witherspoon's ability to mimic a British accent is perhaps her only redeeming quality, and I am surprised to learn that there exists someone who actually enjoyed VANITY FAIR - live and learn.
As for Hudson... please mention one film - nay, one single scene in which she exhibits even a modicum of acting prowess; I will track it down to witness this anomoly myself, post-haste.
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