As you probably know, I owned an 85 MR2 for several years. She was the bestest car I ever owned (small, cute, fun, fast and bright blu, what else could a girl ask for). Back in 2002 on the advice of my mechanic, I let her go. A dear friend of mine had been telling me for a long time that if I ever wanted to sell her, he'd buy her since he wanted to rebuild her into a race car. So that August afternoon, I picked up the second biggest piece of shit I'd ever owned (96 Sebring) and left my Little Blu in the care of Matt. Over the past 6.5 years, Matt has put well over $10k into rebuilding her and last week he rolled her. Matt is fine - just a few cuts and bruises (I'm still amazed his wife didn't kill him). Blu on the other hand has been totalled.