
It's already started ...

Apr 10, 2006 14:33

So my middle-class yuppie lifestyle is already beginning :) Wedding planning is going swimmingly, or at least as swimmingly as it can. I'm hoping to hear back from the salesperson soon so we can figure all the contract stuff out for the ceremony / reception. So much to do, ack ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED??!?!?! jkarmon April 11 2006, 15:42:39 UTC
When did this happen? Did I miss something since the last time I saw you at the CSH reunion?


Re: YOU'RE GETTING MARRIED??!?!?! ajc April 12 2006, 14:15:26 UTC
Hehe, yeah that must have been in a friend's only post. Yes, we're engaged. We both just knew that we had found what we were looking for. A little quick, but we're both uber happy!


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