"Red Wire," "Monsters," and "Slipknot" (reprints);
Tiny Moments, ed. David Pring-Mill, March 2016
"Plague Year,"
Barking Sycamores: Year One, ed. V. Solomon Maday and N.I. Nicholson, Spring 2016
"Outbound," "Oblivious," and "The Calm Before";
Belmont Story Review, Spring 2016 "XX/XY,"
Mythic Delirium, June 2016 "Jellyfish" and "Out of Water," Liminality (forthcoming 2016)
"Augur Effect," Spelling the Hours, Stone Bird Press (forthcoming 2016)
I've been completely remiss in posting here during the course of this Fellowship / MFA year; what I had underestimated is exactly how busy busy would mean. Keeping up with teaching, course-work, Strange Horizons, and
Patreon (plus a few other things that mean a lot to me) are about all I've been able to manage. Thanks for your patience!