A nice little game brought to my attention by
Jack. This is the five question interview he gave me. If you want to play a long and have me interview you, leave a comment. Answer the questions and then post the results in your journal.
Questions .. so many answers )
Comments 15
1. Out of all your past and current roles, what is your favorite and why?
2. If you weren't acting right now, what do you see yourself doing?
3. What is your favorite way to pass the time and why?
4. If you could be someone else for just one day who would it be, why and what would you do as that person that you yourself couldn't do?
5. Where is the strangest place you've had sex or wanted to have sex?
2. Out of all your tattoos, which one has the most significance to you and why?
3. If you knew you only had twenty-four hours to live, what would you do in those 24 hours?
4. What is your worst habit?
5. Where do you see yourself in ten years?
I'll go for it, if you're up to the game.
1. If you could say anything to one person, either living now or already dead, what would you say and why?
2. If you had your choice now, would you have rather have continued on your path as a dancer or would you still be an actress? Why?
3. If you were offered the chance to pose node in a magazine, would you do it? Why or why not?
4. You are given one night to seduce any person in the world, who would it be and why?
5. What is the one moment in your life you wish you could go back and redo? Why?
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