WHY does my birthday have to be on election day? what the fuck. if anybody says something to me about it being election day before they say happy birthday, im going to kick them in the throat.
HEY! I bought you a freaking cake! That was the BEST cake I have EVER tasted in my ENTIRE life, I'll have you know. Oh and an update on the whole moving thing, I'm at my moms right now, and I'm staying here... FOREVER! I'm going to school on Monday at least, I don't know how many other days I'm going to go but, Monday for sure cause I want to go to Living History Day. I'll come and stay with you on weekends and visit you though, for sure. You're my best friend, that's a given that I'll come and visit you. You wern't at school today though... that made me sad because I wanted to see you. I think I'll call you right now and see whats going on. I love you more then the moon loves the stars. (Yes, the moon loves the stars. A lot. )
Comments 7
just kidding. i don't know you at all
happy birthday
thank you.
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